Can I send emails through my email service?
No, we are not accepting emails at this moment. If you want, you can try to leave a comment and leave your info. We may respond to it at some point.
Q: Can I quote or copy parts of X article?
You are welcome to do so as long as the quotes or copied content are within “Fair Use”. We appreciate any credit given.
Q: Can I have an alpha/beta key for X game?
All keys are given out through official giveaway posts to allow for the most fair means of distribution.
Q: Who is your source for X article?
Sources and informers are credited at the bottom of each article when they are available.
Q: I would like to support MMOPulse, what can I do?
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Q: I want to take action over content that I own that is shown on the MMOpulse website. What can I do?
If you have reasonable belief that there is content on the MMOPulse website in any form that violates your copyright or the copyright of a company you represent, notify the MMOPulse Staff through our Contact page in accordance with the DMCA. You will need to provide a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed, an email address or phone number through which MMOPulse can contact you, and a statement that you have good-faith belief that the use of your content is not authorized by the copyright owner or law.
Q: Is MMOPulse hiring right now?
MMOPulse is not hiring at this time.
Q: One or more pages on MMOPulse do not load (properly). Is that intended?
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