The Best PvP MMORPG Of This Decade (2010 – 2019)

PvP (player versus player) has always been a highly criticized criteria when it comes to MMORPGs. Some desire harsh-punishing and ‘hardcore’ systems that let you take the loot of your fallen enemies, some desire optional or casual instanced-based arenas, while others would rather walk a different path altogether. Here is a list of MMORPGs from the current decade with impressive PvP.
We are listing these games based on release dates in descending order. This is an on-going list that will be updated every time a new impressive PvP centric MMORPG reveals itself.
Bless Online
Western Release: Beta – May 2018
Developer: Neowiz
Publisher: Neowiz
Model: Free-to-play
PvP: Sieges, Guild Wars, Battlegrounds, Arenas, Open World PvP, Duels, Faction vs Faction
The open-world PvP in Bless Online is boldly integrated in the leveling progression of all players. There are ways to avoid it, but at one point or another, you’re going to run into it, since players are led to PvP zones to complete primary quests. This opens opportunities for the two factions to meet each other as enemies. Killing the opposing faction is rewarded with currency points. Bless Online is an upcoming MMORPG set in a fantasy world with two factions locked at war with each other for ultimate rule over the world they live in.
Conqueror’s Blade
European Beta: Live – March 2, 2018
Developer: Booming Games
Publisher: Netease Games
Model: Free-to-play
PvP: Controlled Army Warfare, Castle sieges
Do you want to micro-manage your own personal army? Conqueror’s Blade puts together action combat and tactical movements with a chosen class role and one’s army to command. PvP comes in the form of battlegrounds where multiple players controlling their own armies fight for control of lands around the world. The gameplay includes controllable medieval teams where players command dozens of powerful and varying troops from Eastern samurais to Western medieval knights of old in large-scale siege-like scenarios of over 1,000 troops in battle. Conqueror’s Blade is a sandbox warfare MMORPG that takes inspiration from ancient Eastern and Western civilizations and warfare.
Western Release: Pre-alpha – January 24, 2018
Developer: ArtCraft
Publisher: ArtCraft
Model: Buy-to-play
PvP: Open-world/free-for-all PvP, Partial loot drop from killed players
Crowfall is deemed as a “throne war” MMORPG with an open world setting played across finite and decisive campaigns. During campaigns, players fight in an open-world area for resources and bountiful locations before that campaign is destroyed forever. Skills are leveled over time, giving more emphasis on player interactions, choices and disputes. The game offers player-created ever-lasting hubs called “The Eternal Kingdoms” to make use of the bounties gained from the long PvP campaigns. Players can play any of the available characters at any time, which adds uniqueness to the exciting non-target action combat.
Kritika Online
Western Release: Live – September 28, 2017
Developer: ALL-M
Publisher: En Masse Entertainment
Model: Free-to-play
PvP: Small scale brawl arenas, Capture the Flag, Objective-based
Kritika Online is a cel-shaded, sort-of anime styled dungeon crawler MMORPG with an extremely fast paced action combat focused mainly on very challenging dungeons. The game offers small scale PvP such as 1v1, 3v3 and other tiers for various arena modes. Each of its six starter class is vastly different from the others in terms of combat and even more so when they upgrade to one of over twenty different advanced classes. The wide variety of very different play-styles for each class and the speed of the combat make PvP encounters unique.
Albion Online
Western Release: Open Beta – August 1, 2017
Publisher: Sandbox Interactive
Developer: Sandbox Interactive
Model: Buy-to-play
Albion Online offers an open-world server made up of different colored zone types (green, yellow, red and black) with their own set of rules. Loot can be taken from others, adding a sense of danger and risk versus reward element. Some are discouraged by this type of gameplay, while others love the thrill of risking it all for a bountiful reward.
Revelation Online
Release: Open Beta – March 6, 2017
Developer: NetEase
Model: Free-to-play
PvP: Open-world PvP, Duel, Arenas, Battlegrounds, Realm vs Realm
Revelation Online is a Wuxia-themed MMORPG set in a world frequented with flying dragons and powerful heroes. The game’s world is a seamless open-world with near-unrestricted flight. The combat features extend and make use of the game’s flight system. The open-world is open to punishable player killing, which from my experience may be too punishing. The battlegrounds and arena PvP are mostly objective based where teamwork is greatly rewarded.
The Exiled
Western Release: Live – February 23, 2017
Developer: Fairytale Distillery
Publisher: Fairytale Distillery
Model: Buy-to-play
The Exiled is a PvP-focused MMORPG with temporary game worlds that last for up to one month. The goal of the game is to thrive in the temporary world by killing players and taking their loot. With a full loot system, carrying high-level gear into combat means risking to lose it. Every player must constantly evaluate risk versus reward. There are no pre-built factions, so you decide who you want to play with and PvP with.
Gloria Victis
Western Release: Live – June 8, 2016
Developer: Black Eye Games
Publisher: Black Eye Games
Model: Buy-to-play
PvP: Low-fantasy open-world PvP, Castle battles, Realistic stronghold defense/siege
Gloria Victis is a medieval MMORPG with an emphasis on realism. That means the PvP takes place in real-time in the open-world with no instances whatsoever. Players fight for realistic goals such as territory control in lifelike scenarios with non-target combat, sandbox crafting and a player-driven economy. Too lazy to make it yourself? Grab a crew and take it yourself!
Black Desert Online
Western Release: Live – March 3, 2016
Developer: Pearl Abyss
Publisher: Kakao Games
Model: Buy-to-play
PvP: Sieges, Clan Wars, Duels, Battlegrounds, Open World, Caravans
The story behind Black Desert’s PvP lies in the war between the world’s core territories. After reaching level 40, players can activate PvP mode to participate in open-world PvP. Attacking players that don’t wish to participate results in negative karma points. Where Black Desert shines is with large group battles such as guild wars and sieges. Team coordination plays a big role in those type of fights and allows small groups of players to outsmart zergs.
Blade and Soul
Western Release: Live – January 19 2016
Developer: Team Bloodlust (NCsoft Developer Division)
Publisher: NCSoft
Model: Free-to-play
PvP: Open-world PvP, Intense skill-based small-scale arenas, Duels, Battlegrounds
Well, we definitely can’t have a PvP list without the king of PvP MMOs. Blade and Soul offers a skill-based action combat system using the player’s ability to properly time attacks and adapt to situations with the use of limited dodges and blocks. Small-scale arenas, especially 1v1s, test the player’s skills and judgement with invulnerability frames and critically timed abilities.
Western Release: Live – September 16, 2014
Publisher: XL Games
Developer: Trion Worlds
Model: Free-to-play
PvP: Open-world PvP, Risk vs. reward, Contested world bosses, Small scale arenas (equalized & gear-based)
ArcheAge’s open-world offers PvP for most regions in the game, allowing many free-for-all player interactions. The trial system punishes the lawless and rewards those who risk their necks to ferry goods across the sea against pirates. World bosses are contested by various player factions fighting for loot and fame. ArcheAge is a sandbox MMORPG set in the world of Erenor and offers a variety of unique features such as a judicial and trial system for outlaws, very realistic ocean and water physics, farming, real estate manipulation and more.
Elder Scrolls Online
Western Release: Live – April 4, 2014
Developer: ZeniMax Online Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Model: Buy-to-play
PvP: Duels, Alliance Wars, Battlegrounds, Sieges
In Elder Scrolls Online, PvP is integrated into the general story as “Alliance War” and each players’ participation impacts their alliance’s chances to win and ability to control parts of the world. The game is all about gaining experience with one’s class and knowing when to properly use ultimate spells to achieve the best results. It is possible to level through PvP in Elder Scrolls Online, as each player receives experience upon completing PvP related missions and killing players from other factions. It isn’t suggested to level solely through PvP, as there are other faster and more convenient ways, but it is possible for those PvP hungry players!
Guild Wars 2
Western Release: Live – August 28, 2012
Developer: ArenaNet
Publisher: NCSoft
Model: Free-to-play for core, Buy-to-play for expansions
PvP: Arenas, World vs. World, Conquest, Battlegrounds, Team Deathmatch, Stronghold
Whenever anyone asks what MMORPG has good PvP, Guild Wars 2 is always mentioned. Guild Wars 2 offers many PvP modes, all with their own unique strategic quirks. There is something for almost every PvPer in this game. Guild Wars 2 is an MMORPG set in the fantasy world of Tyria, 250 years after the players defeated the Great Destroyer in the Eye of the North expansion, and now in a time when the Elder Dragons have awoken. Guild Wars 2 is the sequel to the classic MMORPG Guild Wars. The game offers a large variety of events, stories, scenarios and famously difficult puzzles and challenges.
Dragon Nest
Western Release: Live – September 2011
Developer: Eyedentity Games
Publisher: Previously Nexon, currently Eyedentity Games
Model: Free-to-play
PvP: Arenas
Dragon Nest incorporates a non-target action combat system and highly customizable skill sets to provide fast-paced battles. Player vs. player combat is skill based in nature. Player interactions are tailored for balancing purposes, with different cooldowns and rules for skills in PvP and PvE. Dragon Nest is a fantasy MMORPG set in the beautiful world of Alteia, created by the goddess Altea. The game’s story incorporates the history of Alteia and the dragon slayer heroes.
Lineage 2 with territories and castle sieges?
Too old, haha.
Dude, if these are the best pvp mmorpg’s you could come up with in a decade then we’re fucked
HAHAHAHAHAHA , but seriously , that is fucking sad man , some of these fucking games aren’t even out yet , Kritika and Dragon Nest aren’t even MMORPGs .
Dragon Nest. . . not and MMORPG. . .
Looking forward to bless online, going to purchase a founders pack. Nocht we should play once it’s out.
Good luck with a game that failed in EACH region it gave a release
Most games don’t do good, doesn’t mean you can’t give it a shot. It looks fun, I’m gonna play it, simple. Your negativity isn’t needed though, but whatever you say dude.
How did that game turn out for ya? bahahaha
haahahahaha lmfaooooooo
how was that obvious garbage game that shut down? lol
hello Nocht i want to give you my feedback again 🙂 , like i said before to you we need steam chart number players play the game because kirita online is dying , also i speak with players recently and said to me pvp is dead there , you don’t want new players jump there expect pvp game and spend money and turns out its dead right ? :/
PS: another feedback add planet side 2 , its sandbox mmo with massive multiplayer , also mountain and blade Wardband 1 and 2 , thanks
Hey Omarxz, thanks again for the feedback. I will log into Kritika again and check out how it’s doing now.
Aaaahhhhh Nocht….ahhhh Is about the best longest running pvp rpg around. A must try!
carrionfields mud is actually older, and still active.
Is this a fucking joke? Bless?