Bless Unleashed is Bandai Namco’s Xbox One MMORPG based in the same universe as the now-shut down Bless Online. The developer has released two new […]

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As Ashes of Creation heads towards its first alpha test this month for the first group of its Kickstarter backers, developer Intrepid Studios eagerly share new gameplay footage and answer questions from the game’s community.
Earlier this year, Amazon Game Studios announced that their 17th Century MMORPG New World will no longer follow a free-for-all full loot PvP system. While PvP will still play an important part in the game, players will have to opt-in to take part.
As a response to the current pandemic, Darkpaw Games is encouraging gamers to stay indoors and play more EverQuest! The game’s time-locked progression servers are now open to anyone who wishes to play in them. All TLP servers will be open except for LockJaw and Flippy (they will be merging soon). This is a temporary opportunity that will last until May 8th.
Intrepid Studios Creative Director Steven Sharif has announced that Ashes of Creation will begin limited alpha one testing in May. Invites will be sent out in waves to the Alpha One backers of the crowd-funded MMO. Their goal is to “have the Alpha One game client ready for full testing in Fall of 2020”.
Last Oasis debuted on Steam as an early access title on March 26th. The post-apocalyptic survival sandbox MMO has since been berated by Steam reviewers for having poor server capacity. Many players reported being unable to play due to long wait times and client crashes.
Qualifications have begun for Guild Wars 2‘s arena tournament called Masters of the Arena! The cross-region eSports tournament for North America and Europe is hosted by ArenaNet partner MightyTeapot. Strong PvP players are being called to participate to win incredible prizes.
Six teams from both regions will compete in 5v5 matches. All qualifying teams to compete will receive in-game gold. The top teams will receive cash prizes and rewards in-game.
Amazon Game Studios has released a new developer’s diary video for New World showcasing the game’s combat systems. The upcoming sandbox MMORPG will offer a dynamic action combat. There will be no classes. Instead, players will gain skill trees for each weapon that they choose to wield. The dev team wants the experience you get from wielding each weapon “to be so different, depending on the choice you make, that it almost feels like a class choice”.
Pearl Abyss has announced that Black Desert Mobile has opened a pre-registration event for the game’s upcoming Dark Knight class. The Dark Knight is a sword-wielding melee class and is the seventh class to be added to the game.