Guild Wars 2 Masters of The Arena PvP Tournament Qualifications Begins


Qualifications have begun for Guild Wars 2‘s arena tournament called Masters of the Arena! The cross-region eSports tournament for North America and Europe is hosted by ArenaNet partner MightyTeapot. Strong PvP players are being called to participate to win incredible prizes.

Six teams from both regions will compete in 5v5 matches. All qualifying teams to compete will receive in-game gold. The top teams will receive cash prizes and rewards in-game.

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Aion 7.0 Update Will Bring A New Class & Dungeon On July 24th


Gameforge has sent word that AION 7.0 has been postponed to arrive on July 24th instead of the original July 10th release date. The large content update will bring two additional instances; Dumaha Region and The Stella Development Laboratory. On top of that, a new class specialization for the Artist class called The Painter will be added.

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Blade & Soul Will Merge Servers Down To One Server Per Region On April 24th


NCSoft has announced that the number of Blade & Soul servers will be reduced from five to two on April 24th. North America & Europe will have one server each. After the weekly maintenance on April 10th, the character transfer service will be disabled for all servers.

North America Merge

Yura + Zulia ➟ Yura

Europe Merge

Jinsoyun + Eisenherz + Naksun ➟ Jinsoyun

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Explore A New Planet With Skyforge’s Latest Update “New Horizons”


The Skyforge universe has expanded significantly since it first launched in 2015. Now has added a whole new exotic planet named Terra, the game’s largest map to date in the latest content update ‘Skyforge: New Horizons’.

A new race of enemies threaten the newly explorable world. PC players can now take their ships to Terra and help eliminate the threat. PlayStation 4 will receive the update on April 10th and Xbox One on April 11th.

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DK Online Launches Globally, Can Be Played Through Steam Platform


A global version of Masangsoft’s DK Online (DKO) has launched! The game is an open-world MMORPG with “unconditional PK”. You start the game by choosing between five races and five classes. You can join a guild and participate in large-scale guild battles, sieges, and even become a lord of a castle.

Events are active for new players such as ‘Guild Grow-up Event’ and ‘Server Rank Event’. All new players will receive ‘DK Special Packages’ filled with useful starter items. Check out the game and more details on the events on the DK Online website. The game is also available on Steam.

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