1337 | L E E T | Pronounced as "leet", it is a numerical translation to the word "elite" meaning above average |
2.5D | 2.5 Dimensions | A game that is halfway between 3D and 2D |
80085 | B O O B S | A numerical translation of the word "boobs" |
AAA | Triple A | Highly popular and well-funded games are often dubbed as "AAA titles" |
AFK | Away From Keyboard | Moving away from your keyboard signifying that you are not nearby to respond or act |
AI | Artificial Intelligence | Behavior by the game's code that reacts to player input |
AoE | Area of Effect | Skills that hit or affect an area or a group of enemies/allies |
ARPG | Action Role Playing Game | An action-packed game that lets you play the role of a character |
Attribute | | Character statistics that affect efficiency or quality such as Intelligence, Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, etc. |
Avatar | | The graphical representation of a player controlled character |
Aggro | | Hostile enemies that have noticed a player and intend to attack |
Alt | Alternative Character | |
Bio | Biological | Indication of a toilet break |
BRB | Be Right Back | Leaving for a short period of time |
Bot | Robot | Automated characters that required little or no user intervention, typically used for illegally farming of wealth for personal gain, results in bans |
Buff | Buff Skills | Use of skills that can increase attributes and grant abilities |
Camping | | Staying at a specific spot typically to hunt a specific enemy or wait for an NPC |
Carebear | | Player that prefers to avoid Player vs Player combat |
CC | Crowd Control | Skills that stop or hinder enemies from moving or taking action, eg. stun, paralyze, freeze, sleep, confuse |
Cheese | | Exploitation of an imbalance |
Crit | Critical Hit | A hit that deals significantly larger damage by percentage typically ranging from 150% to 300% |
Dailies | Daily Quests or Missions | Any content that may be repeated once per day |
Debuff | De-Buff | Spells or abilities that weaken an enemy |
DKP | Dragon Kill Points | A system for keeping score used by guilds to fairly distribute loot |
DMG | Damage | The amount of damage done to reduce health |
DoT | Damage Over Time | Spells or abilities that deal damage over a period of time at set intervals |
DPS | Damage Per Second | The amount of damage dealt to an enemy for every second |
DW | Don't Worry | Do not panic or worry |
Endgame | End-game Content | Content only accessible after completing the early game, typically the story line |
Elitist | | High level or ranking players with an openly lesser view of low level or ranking players |
EXP | Experience | Quantitative gain used for character levels gained upon completion of quests, missions, killing monsters |
F2P | Free To Play | A game that is playable without the need to purchase |
Farming | | The act of repeatedly doing the same task for the accumulation of wealth or items |
FTW | For The Win | The act or reason for a victory |
FH | Full Health | Having the maximum amount of health |
FM | Full Mana | Having the maximum amount of mana |
Ganking | | The act of overwhelming a player with a team of players |
GTG | Got To Go or Good To Go | Got To Go means the need to leave, Good To Go means readiness |
GG | Good Game | Congratulatory term |
Grinding | | Earn experience by repeatedly doing the same actions |
Heal | | Replenish health |
Hotfix | Hot Fix | A patch applied without closing the servers down |
HoT | Heal Over Time | Abilities or skills that replenish health over a period of time at set intervals |
HP | Health Points | A character or NPC's health |
IRL | In Real Life | The real world |
INC | Incoming | A warning used for incoming enemies or attacks |
IIRC | If I Recall Correctly | Recalling something |
K | Okay | Agreement or acknowledgement |
KS | Kill Steal | The act of killing an enemy that has already been attacked by others to steal the loot |
KoS | Kill On Sight | To be killed upon sight of characters or NPCs |
Kick | | To dismiss a party, guild, raid or faction member |
Leech | | A player who doesn't help in combat, but still gains experience or loot |
Leet | Elite | Advanced player |
LFM | Looking For More | Signifying there is room in a party or raid, and more is needed |
LFG | Looking For Group | Signifying the desire to join a group |
Loots | | The bounties or goods from enemies or treasures |
LOM | Low On Mana | Little supply of mana left |
LOL | Laughing Out Loud | Used when something is funny or you have no better things to say |
Lvl | Level | A character's current level |
MMO | Massively Multiplayer Online | Games capable of supporting large numbers of active players on the same server |
MMORPG | Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game | Games capable of supporting large numbers of players that can interact with one another in a persistent virtual world |
Mob | Monster | An artificially controlled monster |
Mod | Modification | Modification of game clients |
Main | | A person's main character |
Mule | | An alternate character used for storing items |
Nerf | | To reduce the power or utility of a class, race, item or ability, reference to Nerf guns |
Noob | New player | New player in a game |
NP | No Problem | Everything is okay |
NPC | Non Player Character | An AI controlled character |
Nuke | Nuclear | High-damage or "burst" spells or abilities |
OMG | Oh My God | A surprise |
OGCD | Off Global Cooldown | Abilities with separate recast time to the global cool-down |
OOM | Out of Mana | The character has zero mana |
OST | Original Sound Track | Music original to the game |
PK | Player Kill | Killing of other players |
Pker | Player Killer | Killer of other players |
Pull | | Drawing enemies |
Plvl | Power Level | Leveling another player in a fast manner |
PF | Party Finder | The system for automatically finding a party |
PuG | Pick Up Group | Forming a party with strangers |
PvE | Player vs Environment | Players fighting AI controlled enemies |
PvP | Player vs Player | Players fighting other players |
Quest | | Task given by a NPC to players |
Queue | | The waiting line to enter a game |
QQ | Crying | Represents a person complaining or "crying" about something |
Raid | | A large group or party of players and their companions |
Rekt | Wrecked | The complete destruction of another player |
Respec | Re-Specification | Resetting one's abilities or stats to form a new set for a new specification |
Rez | Ressurect | The act of reviving a character |
Respawn | Re-Spawn | Returning to life, of a character, enemy or NPC |
RMT | Real Money Trade | Transaction made between real currency and in-game currency or items |
RPG | Role Playing Game | A game that lets you play the role of a character |
Speedrun | Speed Run | Going through a dungeon at a fast pace |
Static | | A party compromised of the same players for a long period of time |
Solo | | Playing alone |
SP | Skill Points | The number of points to be allocated to skills |
Stacking | | Clustering together in anticipation of an attack |
Twink | | A low level character that has been geared to the teeth for its current level to gain an advantage over inexperienced and lesser geared characters |
WB | Welcome Back | Said upon the return of a person |
WTB | Want To Buy | The desire to purchase something |
Xp | Experience | Short for experience |
Zerg | | Strategy consisting of large groups of players charging together to overwhelm a smaller group |