Star Citizen Offers The Legatus Pack For $27,000 USD, Requires Having Spent $1,000+ Just To View


Star Citizen, the highest crowd-funded MMO in record is offering a new bundle pack called The Legatus Pack for $27,000 USD. The pack includes almost every ship you could possibly desire making a total of 117 ships. On top of that, there are 163 total extra items like Supercolliders, Service Equipment, Fuel Pods and various skins.

The Legatus Pack is purchasable on this page, but to do so or even just to view its contents, you’ll need to have already paid $1,000 USD. Without that, you’ll need to take it up with Star Citizen’s Customer Service.

You can check out the full list of items in the Legatus Pack as listed by forum community member Dakuisha in the drop-down below. For more MMOs in development, check out our Upcoming MMOs page and our Release Dates Calendar.

The Legatus Pack Contents

117 Ships
“Javelin, Consolidated Outland Pioneer, 890 JUMP, Idris-P Frigate, Idris-M Frigate, Avenger Stalker, Avenger Titan, Avenger Titan Renegade, Avenger Warlock, Eclipse, Gladius, Gladius Valiant, Aegis Hammerhead, Reclaimer, Redeemer, Retaliator Bomber, Aegis Sabre, Sabre Comet, Vanguard Harbinger, Vanguard Hoplite, Vanguard Sentinel, Aegis Vanguard Warden, AEGIS Vulcan, Carrack, Anvil Crucible, Hornet F7C, F7C Hornet Wildfire, F7C-M Super Hornet, F7C-R Hornet Tracker, F7C-S Hornet Ghost, Gladiator, ANVIL Hawk, Anvil Hurricane, Terrapin, Xi’An Khartu-al, Nox, Nox Kue, MPUV Cargo, MPUV Personnel, Defender, Banu Merchantman, Mustang Alpha, Mustang Beta, Mustang Delta, Mustang Gamma, Genesis Starliner, Hercules Starlifter A2, Hercules Starlifter C2, Hercules Starlifter M2, Drake Buccaneer, Caterpillar, Caterpillar Pirate Edition, Cutlass Black, Cutlass Blue, Cutlass Red, Drake Dragonfly Black, Drake Dragonfly Yellowjacket, Herald, Esperia Vanduul Blade, Esperia Vanduul Glaive, Prowler, P-52 Merlin, Kruger P-72 Archimedes, MISC Endeavor, Freelancer, Freelancer DUR, Freelancer MAX, Freelancer MIS, Hull A, Hull B, Hull C, Hull D, Hull E, Prospector, MISC Razor, MISC Razor EX, MISC Razor LX, Reliant Kore – Mini Hauler, Reliant Mako – News Van, Reliant Sen – Researcher, Reliant Tana – Skirmisher, Starfarer, Starfarer Gemini, 100i, 125a, 135c, 300i, 315p Explorer, 325a Fighter, 350r Racer, ORIGIN 600i Exploration Module, ORIGIN 600i Touring Module, 85X, M50, Origin X1, Origin X1 – FORCE, Origin X1 – VELOCITY, Aurora CL, Aurora ES, Aurora LN, Aurora LX, Aurora MR, Constellation Andromeda, Constellation Aquila, Constellation Phoenix, Constellation Phoenix Emerald, Constellation Taurus, RSI Orion, Polaris, RSI Ursa Rover, Tumbril Cyclone, Tumbril Cyclone AA, Tumbril Cyclone RC, Tumbril Cyclone RN, Tumbril Cyclone-TR, Tumbril – Nova Tank, Captured Vanduul Scythe.”
163 Extra Items
“Origin Rover, F7A Military Hornet Upgrade, Endeavor Bio Dome (2×1), Endeavor Bio Dome (2×1), Endeavor Supercollider (2×2), Endeavor Service Equipment & Crew (2×1), Endeavor Fuel Pod (2×1), Endeavor Landing (2×1), Endeavor Medical Bay (2×2), Endeavor Research Lab (2×1), Endeavor General Science (2×1), Endeavor Telescope Array (2×1), Retaliator Front Cargo Module, Retaliator Rear Cargo Module, Retaliator Front Dropship Module, Retaliator Front Living Module, Retaliator Rear Living Module, VFG Industrial Hangar, UEE Land Claim License Lot Parcel, UEE Land Claim License Estate Parcel, GreyCat Lot Geotack Planetary Beacon, GreyCat Estate Geotack-X Planetary Beacon, Outpost Construction Material, Greycat PTV, Set of 9 Campaign Skins, Electro Skin Hull, Ribbon Fish (Vario Vittas), Thorshu Grey, Menarik, Oshi, Vindel, Midas Fish, Fishtank Mark 1, Origin Racing Suit, Model II Arclight Sidearm, “Be A Hero” Poster, “We Want You” Poster, “350R” Poster, “Cutlass” Poster, “Freelancer” Poster, “Hornet” Poster, “Retaliator” Poster, “Gladiator” Poster, RSI Constellation poster, Murray Cup poster, UEE Environment Coat, E&I M34 Restraint System, FACTION-9 Baton, Hartwell Music Sentinel 88G, Skull and Crossbones Skin, 600i Poster, Takuetsu 600i Model, Takuetsu Origin 890 Jump, 890 JUMP Poster, Anvil Carrack Poster, Takuetsu Carrack model, Takuetsu Cyclone Model, Tumbril Cyclone Poster, Defender Poster, Takuetsu Defender Model, Drake Dragonfly Poster, Takuetsu Dragonfly Model, MISC Endeavor Poster, Takuetsu Endeavor Model, Takuetsu Genesis Starliner Model, Genesis Starliner Poster, AEGIS Hammerhead poster, AEGIS Hammerhead model, Drake Herald Poster, Drake Herald Model, ANVIL Hawk Model, ANVIL Hawk poster, Takuetsu Hull C Model, Hull C Poster, Takuetsu Hurricane Model, Anvil Hurricane Poster, Tumbril Nova Tank Poster, Tumbril Nova Tank Badland Box, Tumbril Nova Tank Badland Model, Tumbril Nova Tank UEE Army Box, Tumbril Nova Tank UEE Army Model, Tumbril Nova Tank Badland Skin, Tumbril Nova Tank Snowblind Skin, Takuetsu Nox Model, Nox Poster, RSI Orion Poster, Takuetsu Orion Model, Consolidated Outland Pioneer Model, Consolidated Outland Pioneer Poster, Takuetsu Polaris Model, Polaris Poster, MISC Prospector Poster, MISC Prospector Model, Prowler Poster, Takuetsu Prowler Model, Aegis Reclaimer Poster, Takuetsu Aegis Reclaimer, Takuetsu Terrapin Model, Terrapin Poster, Vanguard Harbinger Poster, Vanguard Harbinger Model, Vanguard Sentinel Model, Vanguard Sentinel Poster, Takuetsu Hoplite Model, Hoplite Poster, Origin X1 Poster, Origin X1 Model, Origin X1 Scarlet Skin, 85X Poster, Takuetsu 85X Model, Vanduul Blade Model, Vanduul Blade Poster, Drake Buccaneer Poster, Takuetsu Buccaneer Model, Takuetsu Anvil Crucible Model, Anvil Crucible Poster, Takuetsu Eclipse Model, Eclipse Poster, Alternative Eclipse Skin, Eclipse Logo Poster, Gladius Valiant Poster, Takuetsu Gladius Valiant Model, Hull A Poster, Takuetsu Hull A Model, Takuetsu Hull B Model, Hull B Poster, Takuetsu Hull D Model, Hull D Poster, Takuetsu Hull E Model, Hull E Poster, Takuetsu Javelin model, Javelin Poster, Argo Poster, Takuetsu Argo Model, Takuetsu P-72 Archimedes model, P-72 Archimedes Poster, Unique Eclipse Serial Stamp, Razor Poster, Takuetsu Razor Model, Takuetsu mini Retaliator Base, Retaliator Base poster, Takuetsu Aegis Sabre Model, Aegis Sabre Poster, Takuetsu Sabre Comet Model, Sabre Comet Poster, Starfarer Gemini Poster, Takuetsu Starfarer Gemini Model, AEGIS Vulcan Hazard Yellow Skin, AEGIS Vulcan CTR Livery Skin, UWC Service Uniform (Exclusive Early Bird VIP Item), 600i Name Reservation, Hammerhead Serial Stamp, Unique Polaris Serial Stamp, MISC Razor LX Serial Number – CR2018, MISC Razor EX Serial Number – CR2018, Star Citizen Digital Download, Squadron 42 Digital Download, Digital Game Soundtrack, Digital Star Map, Digital Making Of Star Citizen, Digital Engineering Manual, Star Citizen Digital Novella, Starting Money: 20,000 UEC.” – As listed by Dakuisha


About Star Citizen

Star Citizen is a crowdfunded sci-fi MMO set in space that will allow players to experience action-based combat, high-level graphics, first person point of view and realistic space and planetary exploration. It is in development by Cloud Imperium Games Corporation and Chris Roberts, the designer of the Wing Commander series, a space combat simulator game series. Star Citizen is the highest funded video game ever to be raised through crowdfunding in the history of gaming. There is also a single player game set in the same universe as Star Citizen that is being developed.

Star-Citizen-Main In Development
Hype Level: 12345 (158 ratings, average: 2.99 / 5)
Developer: Cloud Imperium Games
Publisher: Cloud Imperium Games
Type: Space Exploration Sci-fi MMO
Model: Buy-to-play
Platform: PC
Engine: Amazon’s Lumberyard Engine
Release Date: TBD

Source: Robert Space Industries Forums

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6 years ago

That’s insane. With 27k, you can just buy a car instead!

6 years ago
Reply to  Enma

But at what price is a soul

6 years ago
Reply to  Enma

I’m pretty sure that people who buy this pack do not buy cars that only cost 27’000$.

6 years ago

my question is how much would buying each individual ship cost you?
How much cash can you save?
Ships in the game that expensive or are there outliers that increase the price drastically?

Once people realise the scam that this game is they will feel very silly, it’s been years, but the game is still nothing more than a tech demo.

6 years ago
Reply to  Truthurts

actually you dont save money buying these packs, you lose money. You actually buy them because normally you have to wait for a ship sale for some of them to become available

6 years ago
Reply to  sc_druggie

And when the game releases, you get everything for free either way, and the real money ship shop gets shut down.

So it shouldn’t matter in the long run. Only questionable thing would be if they include unique, one time versions in those packs.

6 years ago
Reply to  treymt

“And when the game releases, you get everything for free either way, and the real money ship shop gets shut down.”

If you believe that you are as naive as they come.

6 years ago

As if anyone is ever going to have the time to fly/drive 117 vehicles.

If you’re spending 27k on a game that’s already passed $180m in order to ‘support’ the developers then you’re either sick or the easiest mark imaginable.

Chris Roberts is shameless.

6 years ago
Reply to  Preet

Or you are heading an org and the cost is split between members, which turn the 27K in 270$ each including massive multiplayer ships (military and industrial). As a sudden, the price tag is not that high (of course 270$ is a lot for many) compared to what you spend on WOW each year, subscription, extension and goodies.
A 10 years WOW player will have spend +1840$ (sibs + extension, excluding any goodies at 25$ each…)

6 years ago
Reply to  joe.blobers

Pretty sure that all qualifies as the second category (easiest mark) especially since it’s unreleased.

You,know .who
You,know .who
6 years ago
Reply to  Preet

Totally met 2 of the developers at my work today cuz my boss is great friends with them. WTF they seemed so nice.

6 years ago

hmmmm. well i want people to buy it and it got requested alot by those who can afford it.
the more people buy that the more money there is for actually making this game a reality.

6 years ago

Here is the thing most these packages is by Community itself. They suggest they want all the ships in a pack the company then crunches the numbers adds more things into it and that’s it.
And it’s optional all of it is optional to buy a ship, And it is not a tech demo.
I am a very proud backer, it’s much more than a game. It’s the best damn space simulator.

Shill #34
Shill #34
6 years ago
Reply to  Gravity

how sad lol

6 years ago
Reply to  Gravity

No, that’s EVE Online
Has a free to pay option now. You should try. After spend so much in a scam, you will be surprised how a good game will work properly.

6 years ago
Reply to  Plunk

EVE is a pretty interesting game, but let’s not kid ourselves by saying it’s a great space simulator. It’s a much better Microsoft Excel simulator.

6 years ago
Reply to  Plunk

I’ve played both Eve Online and Star Citizen…
And I enjoyed the unfinished version of Star Citizen more than Excel: The Game

Yaroslav Nechaev
Yaroslav Nechaev
6 years ago
Reply to  Plunk

pretty sure you didn’t even play Star Citizen… try it, it is awesome.

6 years ago

I will get all of these ships in game for $50.00 when the game is released.

6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Pretty much, you’ll be able to play the game and earn in game credits to buy ships. People are not really buying ships when they pitch in money for stuff like this, they are donating money to game development. I might have done it too if I had that kind of disposable income. Say if I drove a Ferrari instead of an old Opel.

6 years ago

its like they literally havent even tried fucking themselves

6 years ago

It’s always funny to see people try to get offended about the game, or make up the narrative that it’s somehow a scam, when you can see pretty clearly how the development goes if you actually wanna inform yourself. Game development is super transparent. Now, is this stupid? Yes, incredibly stupid if money actually means something to you. This is some bullshit pack for millionaired or so, who don’t know where to go with their money. It’s not even cheaper than buying ships alone. So I guess instead of a 5th television or 3rd car, some bored millionares are gonna buy this pack. At least this doesn’t pollute the environment or waste ressources, which is somehow more accepted if you’re rich. Otherwise, it does not mean anything. There is no manipulative F2P bullshit going on, it’s an upfront payment for… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  treymt

Except… You get those ships from the start. You literally are buying power. Hope its worth it.

6 years ago

What a shitty article. No information or news, just bitching about a random org collection package price (that maybe 3 people total will buy) on a game that wont be out for years and worded like a high school book report: “take it up with SC CS”, really? you mean write them an email and tell them you want to buy it. No drama.

6 years ago
Reply to  John

all this article did was tell u about it…u just salty for some unkown reason

6 years ago

I’ll tell you what Robert’s Space Industries: I’ll pay you $27,000 to actually make the PU servers give us more than 1.5 frames per second. Who gives a shit about ships at this point if it takes my Avatar five minutes to crawl out of the hab’s bed? I’ll take my $27k and blow it on hookers and coke instead.

6 years ago
Reply to  Steve

… You can prepare your check as it is already + 40Fps with yes, still a few drop here and there. Current version is 3.1.4 and performance improved a lot. In most games, performance it the last step but CIG is going to pay more attention despite the Alpha status because the game visibility and crowdfunded model.
1 big patch every quarter, next one end of June with mining added as well as many others features. Just go to Star Citizen Roadmap to get all information about next 4 big patch till Q1 2019.

If your avatar takes 5 minutes to get out of bed, your rig is the problem. Mine which is 4 years old with a GTX780, 4 cores I5 without multithread and 1440P monitor give me 25 to 30Fps.

6 years ago

Such package is not intented for individual even if there is no legal restriction but to org. For a 100 members org this is 270each. pretty affordable to get +117 ships and as much as variants and modules. It is also important to note that the +700.000 Backers who did join already do have access to this Triple-A for as low as 45$

6 years ago

Star Citizen will never be an MMO.

Their PU is capped at what 20 people per instance? Its a god damn joke. They have over a hundred million, a staff of like 400+ and their ‘MMO’ has a limit of 20 people.

I have no doubt squadron42 will be great, same with mission running multiplayer.

But they sold us an MMO. They sold us EVE except with proper combat (ship and ground). It’ll never happen. Look what Ultima Online and Asheron’s Call did in 1998. Thousands of people PER server, no instances, all on pentium 150mhz, 32mb ram and DIALUP.

6 years ago
Reply to  Famine

We are currently at 60 ppl per instance, check your facts before you spew a rant. Eventually there won’t be any instances, the idea is to connect several servers together, but that’s quite the technological feat, so it takes time to make it happen. QUOTE: “our goal is that eventually everyone will be in the same instance. There quite a few engineering hurdles we need to overcome before this can happen. Server performance needs to improve a lot, so there are several tasks to address this that are either currently underway or in the schedule. This will only get us so far though, and won’t be enough to fill a solar system with players and NPCs. To go further we are going to have to connect multiple servers together in something we’re calling a “server mesh.” Each server will take… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Famine

For starters atm it’s 60. With more server meshing coming to allow more players to play with one another. I play with 16gb of ram. News flash it’s an alpha not a full game. The MMO part will come just not soon like every single impatient person wants.

6 years ago

2 years into development, when they reached their stretch goals, CIG asked the community if we wanted to stop funding now and make what they could or keep selling ships and make the game as much as it could be. 88% wanted to keep going. So they did. Eventually they realized CryEngine could not handle what they envisioned, so they had to re work alot of what they already had (They are still replacing some bits of legacy code). This is the reason the timeline is so easily questionable. The mechanics are coming together and when they have all the tools in a row pumping out content will not be a problem. $60 for two games is pretty standard in this industry. But feel free not to back it. I will admit there’s no guarantees. In the meantime I will… Read more »

6 years ago

It’s weird that the people that are complaining are those that won’t be buying it. If you haven’t bought it, why are you complaining?

6 years ago

They did not started developing this game with one decided plan and 185 millions of dollars , they worked and gained every thought , visual , plan and main idea of the game changed over time and evolved , and will keep evolving , thats why they reworked on everything and keep reworking , back then in 2012 they did not have this much money , talented developers and most importantly the company. so its not just ea giving 500 people to develop a guy looking trough a scope. If you look closely core game in development just not more than 2-3 years. compare today’s star citizen to 2013 and just please dont try to troll people here. Also while other games taking 10 years to complete since this game like nothing have seen/done before its normal them to develop… Read more »

6 years ago

How the development plan necessarily changed more than once, as the literally never seen before success of the funding campaign (reaching multiple orders of magnitude over what was initially hoped for) blew all previous plans out of the water, more than once. All of which was amplified by the fact that the plan which has had to change, was not just for the creation of the game, but also the company that was to create the game. All of which are challenges that other AAA titles do not face. Most other games have the budget up front, established companies and teams to build it, who have often just finished working on the previous title in the series, and are making a game with much smaller scope and ambition. It’s just a completely different scenario. TL:DR, Star Citizen started from scratch,… Read more »

6 years ago

i got to be a full retard to pay for this shit

6 years ago
Reply to  fiju

You got to be a full retard to try and defend this CIG scam too.

6 years ago
Reply to  scammers

Your avatar say a lot about your own credibility… nevertheless, many Nay-sayers and troll jump on the hate wagon 3 years ago. Except an handfulkl of dedicated ones, all fade away… just because their repeated failed prophecies of Doom (one per quarter) was starting to be embarrassing at best… 🙂 keep hating man, no problem. Project his shaping up nicely.

david Owens
david Owens
6 years ago

lol there are some knob heads on here 6 years in the making and the game is still not ready if any one pays over 2 quid for this pile of utter donkey shit they need there heads looking at. and all you ooooh I love the game knob heads get a fucking grip