Fractured MMO Releases First Pre-Alpha Gameplay Video & Aims For Kickstarter On June 1st


The Italian indie development startup Dynamight Studios is nearly ready to start their crowd-funding campaign for Fractured, the upcoming class-less isometric MMORPG with a fully interactable open sandbox environment. Their long-planned Kickstarter campaign will start on June 1, 2018. Just last month, they have also managed to raise over $100,000 from private investors to fund the development of the game.

In preparation, the team has shared Fractured’s first pre-alpha gameplay video as seen below. This is the product of the work of a 7 person team with SpatialOS and Unity.

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Worlds Adrift Will Have Steam Early Access On May 17


Worlds Adrift, the open-world sandbox “Community-Crafted MMO” by Bossa Studios will be available on Steam on May 17, 2018. This will be an early access version and access to the game will cost $25. The game offers a world where players can explore and design their surroundings and scour through floating islands by building skyships and competing for resources.

Much has changed since the game underwent a closed beta back in May of last year. The development team has worked on lots of major features like new climbing move-sets that do not kill players which apparently took three to four months to complete. You can read all about what the developers’ plans for the game now, before it leaves early access and further down the line in Worlds Adrift’s roadmap.

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