Xbox One MMORPG Bless Unleashed Gives A Cash Shop Sneak Peek


Bless Unleashed is Bandai Namco’s Xbox One MMORPG based in the same universe as the now-shut down Bless Online. The developer has released two new blog posts that shows a sneak peek of the game’s cash shop called the Lumena Shop. The first post shows the cash currency rates, a mount skin, and a costume. Lumena, the game’s cash shop curerency will be purchasable through the Microsoft store at the following prices:

  • 500 Lumena: $4.99
  • 1,000 Lumena: $9.99 (+10% Bonus for a total of 1,100!)
  • 2,000 Lumena: $19.99 (+15% Bonus for a total of 2,300!)
  • 5,000 Lumena: $49.99 (+20% Bonus for a total of 6,000!)
  • 10,000 Lumena: $99.99 (+25% Bonus for a total of 12,500!)

The second post shows time-saving items like EXP, and SXP boosters and service items like Additional Character Slots and Bag Expansion items.


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