Pokemon-Inspired MMO TemTem Will Release Early Access On January 21st

The monster catching MMO TemTem will finally launch into Early Access at the start of next year. On January 21st, 2020, players will be able to access an early version of the game on Steam. They will be able to explore three islands, fight against 4 Boss Dojos and tame 76 possible TemTem in the co-op world. The game’s full version will have six islands.
The estimated play-time for the early access is less than a full day at around 20 hours. Players can sign up for a stress test that will be held before the early access launch by providing their email on the official site.
TemTem is a crowdfunded game that raised $573,939 on Kickstarter from May 29, 2018 to June 3, 2018. The game will come to PC and will be on consoles such as the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 in the future.
Temtem is a massively multiplayer creature-collection adventure inspired by Pokemon. Catch new Temtem on Omninesia’s floating islands, battle other tamers on the sandy beaches of Deniz or trade with your friends in Tucma’s ash-covered fields. Defeat the ever-annoying Clan Belsoto and end its plot to rule over the Archipelago, beat all eight Dojo Leaders, and become the ultimate Temtem tamer!