Star Citizen Offers The Legatus Pack For $27,000 USD, Requires Having Spent $1,000+ Just To View


Star Citizen, the highest crowd-funded MMO in record is offering a new bundle pack called The Legatus Pack for $27,000 USD. The pack includes almost every ship you could possibly desire making a total of 117 ships. On top of that, there are 163 total extra items like Supercolliders, Service Equipment, Fuel Pods and various skins.

The Legatus Pack is purchasable on this page, but to do so or even just to view its contents, you’ll need to have already paid $1,000 USD. Without that, you’ll need to take it up with Star Citizen’s Customer Service. Read more

Legends of Aria Removes World Map Access Through “M”, Tweaks Combat & Housing


The alpha client of Legends of Aria has received an update that changes player combat and forces players to work a little harder to get around. The combat tweaks involve an increase in healing amounts, an increase in damage output of STR, the removal of mana potions and the reduction of base weapon damages.

If you’ve played an MMORPG, an easily accessible world map via the “M” key may be a feature you take for granted. The latest patch to Legends of Aria takes away that function. Instead, players will have the ability to purchase physical maps of the 5 world areas of Celador in towns and outposts. They will also be able to rename and place waypoints on the physical maps.

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Fractured MMO Has Revealed Package Prices & Rewards Preview For Upcoming Kickstarter Campaign


Before Dynamight Studios launches the crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter for Fractured, their in-development “anti-grind” sandbox isometric MMORPG, they have decided to release a preview of the prices and contents of the Pledge Packs. The packs range from €5 to €10,000 in price with the digital copy of Fractured as a reward for those that purchase the €25 pack. These are only previews of the packs and Dynamight states that they want to hear your opinions on the fairness of the packages before the campaign goes live.
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Worlds Adrift Will Launch Life-Size Skyship In London To Celebrate Early Access On May 17th


Worlds Adrift, the upcoming “community-crafted MMO” will launch into Early Access next week on May 17, 2018. In celebration, indie developer Bossa Studios has arranged an extravagant way of “launching” the game by having guests play the game 150 feet above the ground. They have created a life-size skyship that will be propelled above the Chelsea College of Arts in London that will be fully decked out with twenty game stations.

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Albion Online Steam Release Is On May 16th – New Trailer Showcases Large-scale PvP


As announced in March, the crowd-funded sandbox MMORPG Albion Online is making its way to a Steam release, and now they have revealed the date for it: May 16, 2018. The Steam platform comes with wide array of perks and what is possibly the main appeal for players of Albion is the instant increase in player population. This will surely rock the boat since Albion is a game where a significant chunk of your time is spent looking for fellow players to engage in PvP with.

On top of the the typical Steam features like achievements, as thanks to the veteran players of Albion Online, all achievements developed for the Steam launch will be obtainable by players that are using the native game client. Additionally, all players will receive a week-long Fame boost, giving 25% more Fame for all activities like gathering, crafting, killing mobs, and more. Fame is used for leveling up your adventure level.

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Gloria Victis Releases New 2018 Gameplay Trailer For War Gamez Humble Bundle


Gloria Victis, the low-fantasy medieval MMORPG with an emphasis on realism is now part of a new Humble Bundle called Humble War Gamez Bundle. If you are unfamiliar with Humble Bundle, it’s a site that lets companies offer their goods (games, editing programs, books, etc.) as part of a bundle. Buyers can choose to pay a base price or add more money which can be allocated to the companies or a charity of choice.

Humble War Gamez Bundle:

With the Humble War Gamez Bundle, Gloria Victis can be purchased for $4.35 in addition to other titles which is less than 25% of the current Steam price of $20. If you’ve been keeping an eye on this game, now is a good time to snag an access key. Aside from Gloria Victis, the bundle offers other titles such as Panzer Corps, Mercenary Kings: Reloaded, Insurgency, Day of Infamy and 8-Bit Armies and Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.

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Fractured MMO Q&A Talks About Expected Game Price, PvP Loot System & Anti-Grind Progression


In an hour-long Q&A, Indie developer Dynamight Studios’ CEO Jacopo Pietro Gallelli has shared new information in regards to their vision for Fractured, the upcoming class-less isometric MMORPG with a fully interactable open sandbox environment. Fractured forum user Vengu has created a summary of the session categorized into topics.

Dynamight Studios shared that they have no concerns about the game, but they do have business concerns. They openly admit that they are a young team, not well-known developers with a large following just by name alone. They are showing as much of the game as possible to assure players that they can make Fractured and that their vision for the game is clear, an action MMORPG with a strong sandbox economy.

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Crowfall High Elf Gear Shows Beautiful Design & No Overly Sexualized Female Armor


Crowfall’s upcoming Pre-Alpha 5.6 play test will allow backers to play as a male or female High-Elf. As a teaser, ArtCraft Entertainment’s Art Director Mellisa Preston has revealed one of the armor designs for the upcoming playable race as well as the visual direction behind it.

The High-Elves in Crowfall were designed with “many of the classic fantasy elements that players expect in an Elf race” in mind, especially their appreciation for art, detail, design and aesthetics. The armor design for them highlight the defined upper body and slim build of the High-elven race without relying on a push-up bra chest plate armor.

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