Gloria Victis Adds Passive Abilities Skill Tree Update To Allow More Diverse Player Roles


Black Eye Games has been hard at work on polishing the medieval MMORPG Gloria Victis in the past several months with changes to the game’s open-world PvP, new animations, controller compatibility/synchronization and more. First-person view was introduced along with new locations for players to fight over and siege each other for. A new duel arena was also added recently that allows players to practice combat near their nation’s capital city without having to risk all that they’ve worked for.

Now an extension to customizing one’s character has been added in the form of a huge passive abilities, trigger abilities and top tier passives update. Passives are expanded by investing progress points to unlock new skills. Trigger abilities are skills that initiate special moves when a specific requirement is met. For example, if a player successfully blocks with a shield 3 times in a row within 30 seconds, the shield’s resistance loss is reduced by 2% per level and additional 10% at level 10. This abilities update lets us see the first version of viable support trees that allow players to improve first aid skills.

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Dauntless Will Release Seeking The Horizon Update On May 2 In Preparation For Open Beta


A little less than one month from now on May 24, the upcoming multiplayer co-op monster hunting game Dauntless will finally head into open beta. To get ready for that and bolster up the amount of content that a large initial burst of players will be basing their judgement on, Pheonix Labs will be releasing the ‘Seeking the Horizon’ update on May 2. The update will come with several new features such as the redefined progression system, a reputation system and more.

The new feature that stands out above many is the addition of ‘hunt’ choices. When it comes to hunting behemoths players will be able to choose between the challenges of a ‘Patrol,’ ‘Expedition’ or ‘Pursuit’.

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Legends of Aria Aims For Open Beta In June & Early Access In July


Indie developer Citadel Studios has updated their roadmap and announced that the plan so far for their upcoming sandbox MMORPG Legends of Aria is to move onto open beta in June. Early Access will begin in July and will include the Final Wipe of Legends of Aria. At which point those who backed the game as Kickstarters and Founders will begin their one week headstart and the land rush will begin. The Early Access will not be available on the Steam platform.

A specified month or date for the final Steam launch or big market push is not on the roadmap yet, but their target for that phase is this coming Autumn. That is still an impressive timeline if they release fully in Autumn considering that Legends of Aria‘s Closed Beta was only a few months ago in January.

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Wild West Online Steam Launch On May 10 With Defined Conflict Faction PvP Changes


Wild West Online, the upcoming open-world MMORPG where players roam the untamed and often lawless lands of the American Wild West is finally leaving Early Access and will fully launch on Steam on May 10, 2018.

Wild West Online developer, 612 Games states that the live launch will include the addition of a rival faction global conflict to the world, major PvP events in the open world, more PvE missions and side events. Based on feedback from early alpha tests, the developers have given more structure to the PvP aspects of the game. The rival faction global conflict aims to provide a non-restricted open-world PvP with a defined conflict, so the experience isn’t just players gunning everything down in their paths. More and improved side activities will be seen in the launch version and in updates to come.

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Fractured MMO Releases First Pre-Alpha Gameplay Video & Aims For Kickstarter On June 1st


The Italian indie development startup Dynamight Studios is nearly ready to start their crowd-funding campaign for Fractured, the upcoming class-less isometric MMORPG with a fully interactable open sandbox environment. Their long-planned Kickstarter campaign will start on June 1, 2018. Just last month, they have also managed to raise over $100,000 from private investors to fund the development of the game.

In preparation, the team has shared Fractured’s first pre-alpha gameplay video as seen below. This is the product of the work of a 7 person team with SpatialOS and Unity.

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Camelot Unchained Prepares For July Closed Beta, Teases With New In-game Screenshots


City State Entertainment, the developers of the upcoming MMORPG Camelot Unchained has given another new insight into what we can expect to see in the closed beta of Camelot Unchained on July 4th of this year. The team is well occupied with mountains of development hurdles that are being solved daily in preparation for the coming testing phase. While there was no weekend backer test this week, lots of work on item-de-cluttering, the UI Subsystem, VFX, Character Creation Renders, Traits Design and Animations were achieved and will all need to be tested in more weekend backer tests.

Correction: Camelot Unchained will go into Closed Beta, not Open Beta on July 4th.

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Arcfall Will Be Free-To-Play On April 6 – Major Game Changes


Arcfall is an isometric sandbox MMORPG that currently has a purchasable pre-alpha build available on Steam. The game’s indie developers Neojac Entertainment has announced that the game will be leaving its buy-to-play model and switching to free-to-play in its next major update on April 6, 2018. Game currency will be given to Arcfall’s founders as a form of compensation.

While we’ve got other MMOs like Wild Terra giving free trials during the recent holidays, Arcfall looks to be staying with a free-to-play business model even when it leave its alpha.

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Wild Terra Is Free-To-Try Through April 3rd For European Players


In celebration of the holidays, Wild Terra, the sandbox open world multiplayer RPG is allowing all players from European regions to freely play on one of its European servers. Granted, this only allows you to try the game’s test client. You will still need to purchase the game to access the live servers and live client. During this time, a 30% discount has been made available.

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