Gloria Victis Releases New 2018 Gameplay Trailer For War Gamez Humble Bundle

Gloria Victis, the low-fantasy medieval MMORPG with an emphasis on realism is now part of a new Humble Bundle called Humble War Gamez Bundle. If you are unfamiliar with Humble Bundle, it’s a site that lets companies offer their goods (games, editing programs, books, etc.) as part of a bundle. Buyers can choose to pay a base price or add more money which can be allocated to the companies or a charity of choice.
Humble War Gamez Bundle:
With the Humble War Gamez Bundle, Gloria Victis can be purchased for $4.35 in addition to other titles which is less than 25% of the current Steam price of $20. If you’ve been keeping an eye on this game, now is a good time to snag an access key. Aside from Gloria Victis, the bundle offers other titles such as Panzer Corps, Mercenary Kings: Reloaded, Insurgency, Day of Infamy and 8-Bit Armies and Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
To allow all of the potential new players to see what Gloria Victis has to offer, Black Eye Games has released a shiny new 2018 gameplay trailer.
Source: Humble Bundle