SoulWorker Adds New Playable Character Jin Seipatsu With Gift Coupon & The Golden Citadel Raid


SoulWorker, the newly released anime brawler MMORPG has just received its first and latest character addition and a major content update. As was teased before, Jin Seipatsu joins the SoulWorker roster as the “Spirit Arms” playable character. He is a martial arts specialist who uses his superhuman powers to play as both tank and DPS roles with skills that can attract enemies to him while giving them invulnerabilities and a wide array of AoE attacks. He also has the highest base HP out of all of the SoulWorker characters.

A new instanced raid called The Golden Citadel has been released as well, which can be accessed once you’ve completed all of SoulWorker’s casual raid quests. This raid comes with five spaces, each of which also comes with its own themed boss.

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SoulWorker Will Add New Fist Brawler Character Jin Seipatsu “Very Soon”


The Germany-based publisher, Gameforge has just posted a 3 second teaser GIF on SoulWorker‘s Facebook page captioned with “Very Soon” and accompanied with the comment of “Jin?”. We can only assume that this means Jin Seipatsu, the lightning fist character will be added to SoulWorker’s roster as a new playable character soon. Gameforge’s SoulWorker currently has four playable characters and we know that Jin Seipatsu was added as the fifth character for the Korean and Japanese versions of the game.

SoulWorker fully launched just at the start of April which will make Jin the first character expansion for the English version. It is good to see that Gameforge seems to have chosen not to take their time with character releases.

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SoulWorker Item Packs Giveaway (Advanced VIP, Costume Set, Inventory Expansion & More)


To celebrate the release of SoulWorker, we have partnered up with Gameforge to give you a SoulWorker giveaway. There are two types of packages with different contents. We have 10 of each package types for a total of 20 packages. If you win, you get one at random. We’ve made sure to provide plenty of entry options from simply visiting the SoulWorker website to leaving a comment on this page so everyone gets a chance.

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SoulWorker Is Moving To Official Release With No Loss Of Game Progress


SoulWorker is leaving open beta and is headed for its full official release very soon. No game progress will be lost. While improvements to game mechanics and others have been made in response to the open testing phase, Gameforge, its publisher warns that some server problems may still pop up in the future. They are working hard on fixing bugs, exploits and text errors.

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