EVE: Project Galaxy, The Eve Online Mobile Game Is Planned To Release In 2019 – Co-Developed By Netease & CCP Games


CCP Games and Netease have officially announced that the two companies are working together to co-develop a new mobile MMO called EVE: Project Galaxy that will bring an authentic Eve Online experience to mobile devices. The game will be available on iOS devices first in 2019 with support for Apple’s ARKit 2.0. Netease states that there are plans to bring the game to players worldwide in 2019.

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The Best Sandbox MMORPGs & MMO Games Of All Time


Sandbox MMOs are massively multiplayer online games with minimal limitations on the players’ capabilities to roam and change their virtual world. Players have access to a wide array of gameplay features or tools to create changes or impressions that have lasting effects. Common features that help define an MMO as sandbox are player housing, structure building, player-driven economy, crafting, farming and other open-world activities that affect the creation or modification of the game’s world.

We are listing these games based on their titles in ascending order.

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