Final Black Desert Xbox One Open Beta Starts On February 14th Before Launching In March


The Xbox One version of Pearl Abyss’ Black Desert will launch its final open beta testing on February 14th. Testing will last for three days until February 17th. The open beta will be available to everyone in North America and Europe with an Xbox Live Gold account. The game will fully launch on the Microsoft Store on March 4th. In celebration of the last beta, a new trailer showing off some in-game cinematics and gameplay clips.

Black Desert on Xbox One is not played in the same world as the popular PC version Black Desert Online. The console version has been customized for the console with a newly revised in-game main story, a better “Action Mode”, and more. For more information, visit the official Black Desert Xbox site. You can purchase one of the game’s three tiers of pre-orders from there as well.

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Black Desert Xbox One Version Will Launch On March 4th – Early Access Packages Available Now


The Xbox One version of Black Desert will be launching on March 4th. Early access will be granted to those who pre-order the game from the Microsoft Store. The more expensive the package is, the earlier you can hop into the world and play ahead of the launch day.

There are three pre-order packages priced at $29.99 for the Standard Edition, $49.99 for the Deluxe Edition, and $99.99 for the Ultimate Edition. Pre-order now or learn more on the official Black Desert Xbox Version site.

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Black Desert Online’s Shadow Arena Battle Royale PvP Mode Is Coming On January 15th


Pearl Abyss has joined in on the Battle Royale hype! The Korean version of Black Dessert Online is set to launch a new battle royale mode called “Shadow Arena mode” on January 15th. Shadow Arena will set 50 players to fight against one another until only one is left standing.

Players will begin as small black spirits and find fallen adventurers to posses and control. Everyone starts on equal footing and gears in the existing BDO world do not matter inside. The goal is to acquire equipment and skills while destroying nearby monsters and supplies.

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Black Desert Online

Black Desert Online (검은사막) is a sandbox and action combat MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ with fast-paced action combat, huge world bosses, and intense large-scale player versus player combat.

Black-Desert-Online-Main Play Black Desert Online
Rating: 12345 (193 ratings, average: 3.48 / 5)
Developer: Pearl Abyss
South Korean Publisher: Kakao Games
South American Publisher: RedFox Games
Russian Publisher: GameNet
Model: Buy-to-play
Platform: PC
Engine: “Black Desert” Engine
PvP: Sieges, Clan War, Duels, Open World, Caravans
PvE: Monster Hunting, World Bosses, Taming Wild Animals

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