The Best PvP MMORPG Of This Decade (2010 – 2019)


PvP (player versus player) has always been a highly criticized criteria when it comes to MMORPGs. Some desire harsh-punishing and ‘hardcore’ systems that let you take the loot of your fallen enemies, some desire optional or casual instanced-based arenas, while others would rather walk a different path altogether. Here is a list of MMORPGs from the current decade with impressive PvP.

We are listing these games based on release dates in descending order. This is an on-going list that will be updated every time a new impressive PvP centric MMORPG reveals itself.

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Black Desert On Xbox One Launches Teaser site


The first teasers of Black Desert coming to console were right around two years ago, along with a confirmation at the beginning of last year. Now Pearl Abyss has launched the official teaser site for the upcoming Xbox One version of Black Desert. We’ve seen bits of gameplay from last year’s PAX 2017 as seen below and the gameplay looked smooth already at the time. Perhaps we’ll see the game come out for our Xbox One brethren very soon.

We’re planning to release the console version during the first half of 2018.

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