Albion Online Lancelot Midseason Update Will Bring GvG Training And Re-Spec


Albion Online‘s upcoming Midseason update will bring major changes to player experience on May 2, 2018. The PvP focused MMO will now allow players to trade skill masteries between different skill paths and re-spec their combat frames. A GvG Training System will also be added that allow players to practice Guild battles with zero costs and zero risks. Balances to GvG have also been added in light of the new training feature.

Keep in mind that it is possible to unlock one’s entire skill tree and that many new combat changes will be implemented in this update too before you convert all of your combat fame into re-spec points.

This patch will bring numerous combat balancing changes to keep combat in Albion vital and fair. This time around, the focus is on buffing various underused base- and lower-level Artifact Weapons. This should bring some weapons that have been underrepresented lately back into the spotlight. Another change will be increasing the mobility of Battle Mounts in order to make them more attractive in bigger battles again.

Read more about the upcoming changes to Albion Online on their official site.

Albion Online Heads Towards Steam – Launch Date Soon


As a PvP sandbox MMORPG and especially as one with an emphasis on grouping up with others for advantage in open-world PvP, Albion Online relies heavily on having a large player-base for many players to enjoy the game. Luckily Albion Online’s servers seem to be doing well in terms of player population despite the rough start during its initial months of release that were cause by large-scale DDOS attacks.

Now, its developers at Sandbox Interactive have announced that Albion Online is coming to Steam and that the game will be playable through Steam on PC, Mac, and Linux/SteamOS.

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The Best PvP MMORPG Of This Decade (2010 – 2019)


PvP (player versus player) has always been a highly criticized criteria when it comes to MMORPGs. Some desire harsh-punishing and ‘hardcore’ systems that let you take the loot of your fallen enemies, some desire optional or casual instanced-based arenas, while others would rather walk a different path altogether. Here is a list of MMORPGs from the current decade with impressive PvP.

We are listing these games based on release dates in descending order. This is an on-going list that will be updated every time a new impressive PvP centric MMORPG reveals itself.

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