The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that is set in the continent of Tamriel. Gameplay consists mainly of non-linear content such as quests, random scenarios and free-roaming exploration.

The-Elder-Scrolls-Online-Main Play ESO
Rating: 12345 (77 ratings, average: 3.73 / 5)
Series: The Elder Scrolls
Developer: ZeniMax Online Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Type: Action MMORPG
Model: Buy-to-play
Platform: PC
PC Release: April 4, 2014
PS4 & Xbox One Release: June 9, 2015
PvP: Duels, Alliance Wars, Battlegrounds, Sieges
PvE: Quests, Public & Instanced Dungeons, Bosses, Trials, Arenas

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The Mythical Realm 2 (Xian Xia 2/仙侠世界2)

The Mythical Realm 2 (仙侠世界2) is a Wuxia-themed (Xian Xia) MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’. That means flying eternal gods, legendary magical weapons, and martial arts.

Xian-Xia-2-Main Play The Mythical Realm 2
Rating: 12345 (24 ratings, average: 2.79 / 5)
Chinese Title: 仙侠世界2
Developer: Giant Interactive
Chinese Publisher: Giant Interactive
Model: Free-to-play
Platform: PC
Engine: Havok Engine
PvP: Duels, Battlefields
PvE: Quests, Dungeons, World Bosses

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The Saga of Lucimia

The Saga of Lucimia is a group-based sandbox MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ that emphasizes the foundations of classic MMOs and table-top games; working together with fellow players to achieve new feats. There are no questing hubs, mini-maps or solo-able content. There is very little hand-holding that forces players to explore the world instead of being led to the next quest with giant yellow question marks. The game offers a sandbox world, a classless skill-based system, dungeons and team-based tasks and obstacles.

The-Saga-of-Lucimia-Main In Development
Hype Level: 12345 (17 ratings, average: 3.59 / 5)
Developer: Stormhaven Studios
Publisher: Stormhaven Studios
Director: Tim Anderson
Model: Buy-to-play
Platform: PC
Engine: Unity 5
Release Date: TBD

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Tree of Savior

Tree of Savior (트리 오브 세이비어) is an isometric MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ set in world plunged into chaos where you embark on a journey to search and rescue the goddesses. The game was developed by Kim Hakkyu, creator of Tree of Savior’s spiritual predecessor Ragnarok Online. The game’s background music was done by various groups and artists like SoundTeMP, the team responsible for the soundtracks of Ragnarok Online and Granado Espada.

Tree-of-Savior-Main Play Tree of Savior
Rating: 12345 (48 ratings, average: 3.31 / 5)
Developer: IMC Games Co.
South Korean Publisher: Nexon Korea
European Publisher: IMC Games Co.
North American Publisher: IMC Games Co.
South America Publisher: IMC Games Co.
Model: Free-to-play
Platform: PC
PvP: Duels, Arenas
PvE: Monster Hunting, Quests, Dungeons, World Bosses

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