Wizard Online

Wizard Online is a third-person virtual reality MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ that is set in a magical fantasy world where curiosity is handsomely rewarded. Hunt and destroy evil creatures in dark and cursed lands with axes, sorcery and spells.

Wizard-Online-Main Play Wizard Online
Rating: 12345 (13 ratings, average: 3.38 / 5)
Developer:  SongofDeath
Publisher: SongofDeath
Model: Free-to-play
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Status: In Development
Release Date: TBD

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Worlds Adrift

Worlds Adrift is an open-world MMO Sandbox or ‘massively multiplayer online sandbox game’, where players can explore and design a world full of floating islands. Build your own skyship and compete for resources as you explore a world that is shaped by the players themselves.

Worlds-Adrift-Main Play Worlds Adrift
Rating: 12345 (21 ratings, average: 3.33 / 5)
Developer: Bossa Studios
Bossa Studios
Model: Buy-to-play
Platform: PC
Engine: Unity, SpatialOS
PvP: Open-world
PvE: Flying combat, Monster Hunting Quests
Status: Early access on Steam

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