Elemental Knights Online

Elemental Knights Online is a chibi-styled 3D mobile MMORPG where players fight cute, but dangerous monsters as they follow a fantasy story with anime-styled cutscenes, epic dungeon bosses and quests. Interact with hundreds of witty NPCs in a massive world on your mobile phone.

Elemental-Knights-Main Play Elemental Knights
Rating: 12345 (15 ratings, average: 3.53 / 5)
Developer: Winlight Co.
Publisher: Winlight Co.
Type: Mobile MMORPG
Model: Free-to-play
Platform: Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch
Mobile Release Date: October 4, 2011
Nintendo Switch Release Date: November 22, 2018

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Eve Online

Eve Online is a space-based sandbox MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ set over 21,000 years in the future. Humanity has drained most of Earth’s resources and have taken to the stars! Expansion has led to multiple factions fighting over the vast resources of the milky way, similar to that of the events that led to Earth’s demise.

EVE-Online-Main Play Eve Online
Rating: 12345 (44 ratings, average: 3.45 / 5)
CCP Games
Western Publisher: Simon & Schuster Interactive
Producer: Andie Nordgren
Type: Space Flight Simulation MMORPG
Model: Subscription
Platform: PC, macOS
Engine: Trinity, Ambulation

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Ever, Jane

Ever, Jane is an upcoming MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ that offers the virtual world of Jane Austen. Begin your story as a member of a drama-filled society that is full of gossips, mysteries and role-playing. You build a story with your choices and actions while completing generated quests and missions. The game is inspired by Jane Austen writings. Take yourself back in time to the 1800’s when George IV ruled the English dominions.

Ever-Jane-Main In Development
Hype Level: 12345 (8 ratings, average: 3.38 / 5)
Developer: 3 Turn Productions
3 Turn Productions
Model: TBD
Platform: PC
Engine: Unity Engine
Status: In development

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EverQuest Next

EverQuest Next is an MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ that was meant to be the game to succeed the EverQuest franchise. The game was intended to be a parallel universe to the EverQuest world. The project has been cancelled by its developer Daybreak Game Company since 016. Development was discontinued due to lack of fun.

Everquest-Next-Main Cancelled
Rating: Unreleased
Series: EverQuest
Developer: Daybreak Game Company
Publisher: Daybreak Game Company
Producer: Terry Michaels
Composer: Jeremy Soule
Model: Buy-to-play
Platform: PC, Playstation 4
Engine: Forgelight Engine
Status: Cancelled

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Fiesta Online

Fiesta Online is an anime-styled MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ that offers a classic MMO gameplay with highly social key aspects, player-vs-player content, friendly community, and loads of player progression content.

Fiesta-Online-Main Play Fiesta Online
Rating: 12345 (18 ratings, average: 3.67 / 5)
Original Developer: Ons On SOFT Ltd.
Current World-wide Developer: Gamigo Group
European Publisher:  Gamigo Group
North American Publisher:  Gamigo Group
Model: Free-to-play
Platform: PC
Release Date: November 12, 2007
PvP: Duels, Guild Battles, PvP Zones

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Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV is fantasy MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ set in the main area of Eorzea, a continent on the planet of Hydaelun. Players adventure as one of the six playable races. Starting the game, players wake with the ability to see the past. The PC version was originally released in September of 2010 and re-released in 2013 after a complete overhaul.

Final-Fantasy-XIV-Main Play Final Fantasy XIV
Rating: 12345 (98 ratings, average: 4.19 / 5)
Series: Final Fantasy
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix
Directors: Nobuaki Komoto, Naoki Yoshida
Model: Buy-to-play, Subscription
Platform: PC, PS4
Engine: Crystal Tools
PvP: Duels, Arenas, Battlegrounds
PvE: Monster Hunting Quests, Dungeons, Raids, World Bosses

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FlyFF (Fly for Fun) is a fantasy MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ in which the most efficient way to progress is to work with other players in parties to level up by killing monsters that are spread throughout the world of Madrigal. Madrigal consists of a set a cluster of floating islands. Players can maneuver between them through various means including walking, teleportation and flight.

FlyFF-Main Play FlyFF
Rating: 12345 (28 ratings, average: 3.43 / 5)
Alternate Title: Fly for Fun
Developer: Gala Lab Corp. (Formerly Aeonsoft)
North American and European Publisher: Webzen, Inc.
Korean Publisher: Gala Lab Corp.
Japanese Publisher: Gala Japan Inc.
Model: Free-to-play
Platform: PC
PvP: Duels, Sieges, Arenas, Open-world
PvE: Monster Hunting, Dungeons, Raids, Bosses, Flying Monsters

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Fractured is an upcoming isometric MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ developed by Italian game developer Dynamight Studios. The game will offer a mix of action combat and fully interactable environments to appeal to competitive and cooperative type of gameplay. More information will be released soon for this game as it nears a playable version.

Fractured-Main Play Fractured
Hype Level: 12345 (40 ratings, average: 3.70 / 5)
Dynamight Studios
Publisher: Dynamight Studios
Director: Tim Anderson
Model: Buy-to-play
Platform: PC
Engine: Unity & SpatialOS
Status: In Development
Release Date: TBD

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