Aion 7.0 Update Will Bring A New Class & Dungeon On July 24th


Gameforge has sent word that AION 7.0 has been postponed to arrive on July 24th instead of the original July 10th release date. The large content update will bring two additional instances; Dumaha Region and The Stella Development Laboratory. On top of that, a new class specialization for the Artist class called The Painter will be added.

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Ereshkigal’s Wrath Content Update Is Coming To Aion On March 27th


Aion‘s next major content update is on its way and it’s called ‘Ereshkigal’s Wrath’! “New instances, new Daevanion skills, new transformations, GP competitive seasons, and much more” will be added to the game on March 27th. More information will be revealed soon on the official Aion site. In the mean time, you can watch the Ereshkigal’s Wrath cinematic teaser trailer below.

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NCSoft Launches Aion: Legions of War Worldwide On iOS & Android Mobile Devices


Aion: Legions of War, the mobile strategy RPG that is set in the same universe as PC MMO Aion has officially launched worldwide. The game is now available for both Android and iOS mobile devices. Players collect heroes to add to their teams and to fight with in PvE dungeons and PvP arenas. Each hero can be customized with a plethora of gear, transformations, and affinity-based abilities.

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NCSoft Announces Release Date For Mobile RPG Aion: Legions of War – iOS & Android


NCSoft is preparing to expand their reach in the Western mobile game market with the upcoming new strategy RPG/MMO ‘Aion: Legions of War‘. On January 24th, Aion: LoW will launch and be playable world-wide for free on iOS and Android devices. Excited fans can now pre-register on the official website. Doing so will grant launch day rewards.

Aion: Legions of War re-imagines the PC MMORPG Aion as a narrative-driven strategy RPG. The game is about building up a roster of unique heroes to be build a powerful party and fight against bosses in tiered dungeons. Players can get together by running guild dungeons and fighting against one another in duel arenas.

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NCSoft Q1 2018 Earnings Report Shows Blade & Soul As Strongest Non-Mobile MMO While Aion Sales Increase


NCSoft’s quarterly earnings report for Q1 2018 have just been released and while the company’s giant spike in mobile games revenue continues to even out, several MMORPG titles appear to be making a comeback.

Guild Wars 2 sales dropped by 32% in comparison to the previous quarter. This is to be expected considering the stabilization after the success of the Path of Fire expansion in Q4 of 2017. Aion’s sales jumped by 48% which was fueled by the change in monetization scheme. Comparing the sales of NCSoft’s top PC games, Blade & Soul is leading the way as their highest source of income from PC games. As a speculation, this could be the result of the combination of a large number of updates done to Blade & Soul in the recent months and the hype from Blade & Soul Mobile at the end of last year.

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