Astellia Online Closed Beta Dates Announced & Gender Locks On Classes Removed For Western Version

Barunson E&A has sent word that its premier game Astellia is now available for pre-order and is heading into closed beta testing soon. The first closed beta even is scheduled to take place between June 25th and July 1st. Pre-ordering the game grants CBT keys, head start, name reservations, skin boxes, and more. Visit the Pre-order page for more details.
Astellia (aka. Astellia Online) is a new classical MMORPG where players collect and combine monster cards through the Astell Companion System to call forth minions and companions into battle with them. Other features include PvP arenas, large-scale PvPvE, PvE arenas, robust dungeons, and a holy trinity class system.
The game has been localized and revamped for Western audiences. One difference between the original Korean version and the Western version is that all gender lock restrictions on classes have been removed. The change apparently affects nearly every aspect of development and required “a full design phase to implement new character models, animations, and all of the supporting equipment for each class”.
For many players, our characters are extensions of our own imagination, brought to life within these fantasy worlds. We care about them, often times investing significant amounts of time into customizing their appearances, before even setting foot into the game world. To this end, we felt it was an essential addition for our Western audience, to remove the gender lock restrictions on classes, allowing players to focus on fully immersing themselves within the world of Astellia.
For more details on Astellia, the official Astellia site has been updated with new information on features such as classes, the Astel system, and more.
BLESS 2.0, I’m calling it now.
I feel the same 🙁