Astellia Online Prepares For English Closed Beta Testing On June 25th

Korean developers Barunson and Studio 8 have sent word that the first closed beta test of the fantasy MMORPG Astellia will begin on June 25th and end July 1st. Pre-download of the CBT-1 Client is already available for those who have been invited to participate.
For the first 5 days of CBT-1, players will experience the game in its “default state” so the developers can get data on character and gear progression. After, a Special NPC will appear that will level up characters to Lv. 50.
The Astellia Team highlights that many aspects of the game client such as the tutorial system will be the same as how they were during the KR launch and will not match their intended specifications for the Western version during this beta.
“Beyond testing these points and collecting gameplay information, we are excited to show you our first wave of combat improvements that include active dodging as well as the improved animations, our new in-game wiki, performance improvements and more. This is a major step forward for Astellia, and we thank all of you who have supported us this far, it has been incredible working with all of you as we prepare Astellia for launch.”
For more details, visit the official Astellia site.
May I get Beta Access? Played EQ x 8 years and my guild help Sony test the numbers, so to speak. Have done multiple Alpha and Beta testing. I restarted EQ2 but it is just not what I am looking for.. Astellia on line. Seems EXACTLY what I am looking for, Please tell me how I can play Alpha or Beta? I know what you guys are looking for, have done this most recently with ArcheAge, Revelations On line, and Black Desert…
My Email is Ellen_BlakeHotmail Pleeease !