Astellia Online Second Korean Closed Beta Will Be On March 27

Astellia Online is back with another closed beta! Developer Barunson gave word that Nexon has begun recruiting testers for the upcoming CBT2 on March 27. On top of this, Nexon has updated Astellia Online’s website with useful information and fancy graphics regarding classes, game systems and more.
CBT2 Duration: 3/27 (Tue) – 4/9 (Mon)
Beta Testers Recruitment: 3/15 (Thur) – 3/25 (Sun)
Chosen Beta Testers Announcement: 3/26 (Mon) 14:00 Korean Time
Download Availability: 3/26 (Mon)
It has been a while since we’ve heard from Nexon about Astellia Online. The first and last closed beta was nearly one year ago in June 2017. Barunson and Nexon have stated that Astellia Online is expected to have a North American release in 2018, however by looking at the intervals between testing phases, it is fair to say we may be looking at a much later date for a version to reach Western shores.
Let’s hope that more information regarding the uncertain details about the game will arise with this CBT2. We still don’t know exactly what business model the game will have, but it has been said that Astellia Online could be buy-to-play.
How can I play it?
If you’re interested in participating in Astellia Online’s CBT2, you can sign up to be a tester here. Keep in mind that this is a Korean closed beta, so it may be a little tricky for a Western player to join.
CBT2 Announcement Video