Bandai Namco Supposedly Has No Plans For NA Release Of Anime-MMO Blue Protocol At This Time

Bandai Namco revealed a new anime-styled MMO called Blue Protocol earlier this month and it has accumulated quite a bit of hype so far, amongst Western fans included. Over the past several weeks, lots of teasers for the new MMO in development were released including a gameplay trailer and a character creation video. The game is in Japanese and already conducted alpha tests in Japan this month.
Furia_BD, an admin of the Blue Protocol fan sub-reddit reports that “Bandai has no plans for a western Blue Protocol release at the moment.” We will send an inquiry to Bandai as well to confirm this. Furia is a well-known admin of other Eastern MMORPG fan communities such as the Peria Chronicles fansite (, the late Bless Online fansite (, and other MMORPG subreddits.
“I’ve just received word from Bandai Namco that they have no plans for a western release at the moment. However, they also said that “this is subject to change”, so there is still a chance that Blue Protocol will hit the western market in the future.” – Blue Protocol Subreddit Admin u/Furia_BD
キャラクリ詳細動画 最終回『セクシー』
優し気な雰囲気からクールな印象まで様々なカスタマイズが可能です!⬇️CaTへのご応募はこちら #ブルプロ #BlueProtocol