Camelot Unchained Delays 4th of July Beta By Weeks Or Days – “The Client Crash Rate Is Too Damn High!”

City-State Entertainment has announced that the beta testing phase for Camelot Unchained that was planned to begin on July 4th will be shortly delayed by “weeks or days”. There is no set date for the upcoming beta as of yet. Some of the reasons given that resulted in their decisions to delay the beta are the new European regulations, the need to lessen the client crash rate and more needed polish to the gameplay.
The developers want to make sure that the beta will be as they have promised it to be. Watch the livestream below to find out more information about the upcoming beta of the indie MMORPG Camelot Unchained. Go to 6:10 to skip the stand by.
Source: City-State Entertainment Livesteam