Orake 2D

Orake is an indie developed 2D MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ with a large isometric open world. Jump into a world in peril where you can take on various quests from NPCs, play mini-games in the open world with a growing community and fight fellow players in a deadly PvP zone called the “Boneyard”. Experience a runescape-like fantasy world with magic spells, demons and hidden caves.

Orake-Main Play Orake
Rating: 12345 (11 ratings, average: 2.64 / 5)
Developer:  Candycane Games
Publisher: Candycane Games
Model: Free-to-play
Release Date: August 13, 2016
PvP: Duels, Sieges, Events, Arenas, Open-world, Boneyard PvP area, Clan Battles
PvE: Boss Fights, Dungeons, Open-world Monsters, Cave Exploration

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