Closers KR Teases 4th Job, New Mystic Character & New Dungeon For 2018 Development Update


The Korean version of Closers has just revealed several exciting news coming to the game in the summer and beyond. Keep in mind that while En Masse’s English version is releasing characters at a good pace with Tina’s release only three days ago, the original Korean version is still more than half a dozen characters ahead with even more coming soon. This is very exciting news and gives Western players even more to look forward to.

Upcoming 14th Character

Closers (KR) as of now has 13 characters and Nexon has revealed that the 14th addition to the roster will be released in July! The class name will be Mystic, but a character name has not been revealed yet. Based on the silhouette below, it’s highly likely that the character is a girl. However I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s certain since there are existing characters that would be very difficult to label with only a silhouette like Misteltein.

She (assuming the character is a girl) will be joining the Wildhüter team and working with Luna Aegis, Wolfgang Schneider and Soma. Some basic backstory of the character is that she lives with deep regret and is very charming.





New Jobs/Class/Rank Advances

A fourth advancement will be added that will allow the formation of teams or “task force”. More information on this will be revealed in the future.

Black Lamb Team: J


Wolf Dog Team: Tina
Wildhüter Team: Wolfgang Schneider


Their illustrations are currently WIP.



Here is a concept art featuring base figures of Jay, Tina and Wolfgang working together in combat.

New Dungeon and Boss

A new dungeon called ‘Dream World: Mist Theater’ is being developed.


Two new enemies are Dogra and Magra as shown below. They are sisters.


Here is a new boss that will be added sometime in May.


Emotes and Art

New emotional expressions in the form of chibi stickers will be added too.


Here are new illustrated content that can only be acquired in the updates to come.


Closers story will continue much further in the coming months with the first chapter or part expected to reach the game’s Korean version sometime in June and a second part in August.

It’s not too long ago that Closers KR added a character, which makes it really promising for the future of this game. The last character to be added was Agent Soma, the tonfa wielder and latest addition to the Wild Hϋter.

Note: Keep in mind that these are based on my rough translations of Nexon’s update with my limited knowledge of the Korean language. If there are any corrections, please let me know.

 Source: Nexon’s Closers KR Update

Thanks to Closers sub-reddit community members for corrections.

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6 years ago

The last released character was Soma tho