Closers’ Battle Robot Tina Joins The Wolf Dogs As Latest Playable Character


The Closers roster is getting bigger! Tina joins the Wolf Dogs in their fight to rid the world of interdimensional monsters. Last month, the Closers community had a chance to vote on which character will be added to game next. By only a handful of votes, the young cyborg girl Tina won against the older gal Harpy. We’ve recently teamed up with En Masse to give away hundreds of Closers Starter packs, so grab one for yourself if you’re starting a new journey with Tina!

While Tina may look like she should still be prancing around a playground, she is definitely not to be underestimated. I’ve personally played Tina as my main Closer and I can tell you she packs a wallop. She is a long-range character who can freely control imaginary space to store and summon various machines and ammunition to take down foes. Her skills are specialized against aerial moves.

Age 8 years (manufactured)
Birthday May 28th
Weight 218 lbs.
Height 5’1”

Events lasting until April 30th have been applied to celebrate Tina’s arrival.

“Start a new Tina character and you’ll receive a Welcome Box that grants you a Small Plum Soda, a Dark Command 10-Piece Set (1 day), and a set of 3-Star Midnight Wings (1 day)!

We’ll also send you a special support box (via in-game mail) when you hit levels 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 with a Tina character! These boxes contain weapon cores, enhancement items, and more! Once Tina’s level cap is increased to 75 in the April 16 update, you’ll get a box for hitting 75 too!

Complete stages that consume 10 Fatigue (or more) and you’ll receive tokens to craft special rewards, including accessories and boosts!”

Tina Premium Starter Packs are now available for purchase along with Spring-themed costumes, Tina costumes and new emotes for all characters. Here is an interesting video showcasing the newly added ‘Warm Spa’ emote.

Source: Closers News

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