Closers Task Force Veteranus Update Adds New Character Upgrade “Veteranus: J”

En Masse Entertainment has launched a new major content update to the side-scrolling anime MMORPG Closers called the ‘Veteranus Task Force’ update. The update brings a new character upgrade to the character ‘J’ called ‘Veteranus: J’. Players can promote ‘J’ to Task Force Veteranus, to reach a new level of power.
Task Force Celebration—
We’re launching a variety of events to boost your J to Veteranus as quickly as possible. These events run until the scheduled downtime on Monday, March 25.
- J Level Rewards: Once per account, you’ll get special level rewards for leveling your J.
En Masse has launched a variety of events to help players promote their characters. Special rewards will be given for running dungeons and logging in. For more information, visit the official Closers site.