Conqueror’s Blade Is Headed To Open Beta On June 4th

The sandbox warfare MMO Conqueror’s Blade is starting its English open beta testing on June 4th. Players will be able to enter the game via the launcher or Steam. Three servers will be available on launch; NA, EU West and EU East. Those who purchased the Adventurer’s and Conqueror’s Founders packs will be able to start playing on May 28th. Explorer’s Packs founders can start on June 1st.
Conqueror’s Blade is made by Chinese developer Booming Games and published in the west by Players choose their preferred weapon types and troops from the world’s most iconic civilizations to lay siege on their enemies and dominate territories. The game aims to give “the ultimate medieval warlord experience” in a vast open world. Combat mainly occurs in instanced battle arenas like the 15 vs 15 siege battles.
Visit the official Conqueror’s Blade site to learn more.