Warfare MMO Conqueror’s Blade Shows Off New World Event In The Form of PvPvE


Conqueror’s Blade, the in-development sandbox warfare MMO has posted a preview of a new PvPvE world event in which players can fight against world bosses in teams. Players from other kingdoms can steal a boss or attack other teams, so it’s suggested to keep an eye out for enemies.

PvPvE is a term you may have heard of in games like ArcheAge or Crowfall. If not, we’ve got you covered. PvPvE, short for Player vs Player vs Environment refers to a type of scenario that tightly integrates combat between players and combat against non-player characters (AI). As an example, a scenario in which you and perhaps your group have to fight dozens of opposing players while keeping a giant world boss under your thumb.

Watch the video below to see an archer captain alongside his controllable AI troops in combat.

Source: Conqueror’s Blade YouTube Channel

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