Crowfall ACE Q&A for April Talks About Quality of Life and World Changes

We’re just one month over three years since Crowfall, the PvP focused MMORPG was initially crowdfunded on kickstarter and today the developers have answered development related questions and respond to feedback from their ACE dev partners. Thomas Blair (Design Lead) and Mark Halash (Senior Game Designer) go through important development information involving the game’s Eternal Kingdoms, movement speed increase when flying back to your corpse, new maps and more.
They give a handful of promises for the near future such as the addition of a highly requested combat log to the chat window, UI scaling and more. Many of the changes talked about will be in the next or next few updates to the current pre-alpha build of the game.
A phone app or browser-based log in to train skills or micromanage skill trees was mentioned as a feature they would love to add in the future, but will certainly not be a feature for the game’s initial launch.
Crowfall is a thrown war MMORPG with an open world setting in which players fight for resources and bountiful locations to bring back to their player-created ever-lasting hubs called “The Eternal Kingdoms”. The game is currently in pre-alpha and is expected to have a more publicly accessible build later this year.
Check out our Upcoming MMOs page for a list of games coming soon and dates of alphas, betas and live launches.