Dragon’s Dogma Online Is Shutting Down In Japan

Dragon’s Dogma Online, Capcom’s high fantasy MMORPG for the PC, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4 is scheduled to shut down in Japan on December 5th. The game initially launched in Japan on August 31, 2015 and never made it out to other regions. Capcom states that they have tried to support the game for players but it has become difficult to continue to provide satisfactory service.
Client downloads is no longer possible on all platforms and the game’s premium currency is closed. Capcom mentions that refunds will not be granted for in-game currency or leftover items.
I remember when this website first started I came here every day for the most up to date news on MMOs, now you guys are really falling behind on whats relevant and whats NEW news. Whats happening there?
Mmorpg genre is dying. There’s no money in it anymore.
I wouldn’t say “dying” exactly, as the few that are still running with a decent player base (DCUO, WOW, ESO, FFXIV) and a decent dev team behind still make an okay amount. Not a huge amount, but enough to be viable and continue operations. The main problem is developer attitudes of the last few years. They all seem to want to make a game with the least amount of effort possible, and you simply CAN’T be lazy when it comes to an endeavor the size of an MMO. It just seems as though no-one has the drive or commitment to create something good in a genre that takes literally years of constant, unwavering, maximum effort. Not recently anyway. It’ll happen again soon, and it’ll only take one studio to come out with a good one and then more will start… Read more »
Such a shame. I’d been hoping this would make it to the West for years. I loved Dragons Dogma and desperately wanted it to be co-op. This would have been great.
I don’t think the genre is dying either. In fact in the next couple years there’s going to be a good resurgence of it with new titles coming out such as Pantheon:Rise of the Fallen, Ashes of Creation, Chronicles of Elyria, Blue Protocol, and more. What I was originally trying to say was that THIS WEBSITE used to be a good place for news and updates on projects. But now, anything posted here is easily 3 or 4 days after the fact. I’m sure like most of the people who come here, and bother to even read this, are avid mmo fans. SO much so that I’m sure, like me, you have multiple news sources. After this website came out, this was the only source I needed! But now not so much, everything is late. Obviously its not like the… Read more »