Dual Universe Reveals The Barter System (Direct Player Trading)
Novaquark has released a new Developer’s Diary that explains the details on the barter system that will be added to the Scifi civilization-building MMO Dual Universe. The barter system will allow players to directly trade with one another. Like typical MMO trading, players will engage with one another in the game world and request to barter by clicking on the character they wish to barter with.
If a player attempts to change the barter at the last second, all confirmations will be deselected to make sure that players don’t get scammed. No sneaky bait’n’switch will be allowed! Visit the Dual Universe site for more details.
At any point during this confirmation, should either player change anything in their basket  (remove an item, add an item, change quanta, etc.) all activated confirmations will be deselected. For example, if I am Bartering an engine for 100 Quanta and I confirm this exchange, my partner may decide to change 100 Quanta to 50, which will automatically deselect my initial offer.
The exchange will proceed only when both parties have confirmed the exchange. Speaking in game terms, if I am Bartering an engine for 100 Quanta and confirm this exchange, and neither basket is modified, once my partner activates their confirmation, the trade will instantly complete.