Heidel Ball Stream Reveals Shai, Black Desert Online’s New Boomerang Wielding Healer Support Class


During Pearl Abyss‘ Heidel Ball Event on June 8th, Black Desert Online‘s 8th class, Shai was revealed and showcased for the first time.

Design as a support class, Shai wields a large boomerang that is almost as big as she is to swiftly attack enemies, support allies and evade. She has several unique skills at her disposal such as ‘Play Dead’ to fool enemies, ‘Get Well’ to heal allies, ‘Come Here and Hide!’ to shield her friends, and ‘Found You!’ to reveal hidden foes.

Pre-creation of Shai characters will begin on June 12th in South Korea and on June 19th for North America, Europe, Japan, and Russia.

Visit the official Black Desert Online site for more detail on upcoming content that will accompany Shai’s arrival.

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5 years ago

Can she be customized to have big boobs though?