Kritika Online Dawn of Awakenings Update Brings New Danger Zones, Class Awakenings & Story Quests

Kritika Online is due for another content update and the latest one in store titled Dawn of Awakenings is already available in the Public Test Server. The update brings the Awakening system which allows players to advance their characters a second time and gain new skills. Characters at level 70 or above with a Combat Rating of 170,000 or more are eligible to be awakened.
At this time, only the following classes are able to unlock their Awakening quest:
— Warriors: Berserker, Doomblade, Fire Lord
— Monks: Star Monk, Void Monk
After their Awakening, the character gains access to six powerful new skills: five active skills and a passive buff skill.
Dawn of Awakenings also introduces a new ultimate zone called the Dusk Pirates’ Den where Pirate Shan has been storing treasures. Beat the dungeon to collect Dusk weapons, chest, leg and hand items. The Windhome story quests receive a continuation that tells the story of the search for Juli. You can read the full list of changes on the Public Test Server patch notes.
Source: Kritika Online Forums