KurtzPel’s Steam Early Access Will Have English & Korean Voices – KoG Previews NPC Heroes With English Voice Acting

KoG Games has announced that KurtzPel: Bringer of Chaos, the upcoming PvP-heavy multiplayer anime RPG will have English and Korean voices. When testers jumped into the game for the first time on Steam during the closed beta on February, they were met with NPCs that only spoke in Korean. When KurtzPel launches into Early Access sometime this year, there will be “English voices as well”. You can watch a preview of in-game cutscenes below.
KurtzPel’s gameplay mainly consists of small-scale PvP arena fights (2vs2, Deathmatch PvP, Capture the Flag, Conquest PvP). The game offers small-scale PvE-like 2-man co-op dungeons as missions to gain special rewards like accessories. Visit the official KurtzPel site for more information.
As you already know, KurtzPel only has Korean voices in the game but with the early access version, we will have English voices as well!https://t.co/cKtgjqo43Y
We hope you see you all soon!#KurtzPel#EnglishVO#VO#KurtzPelDevStories pic.twitter.com/W1962QKNN3
— KurtzPel (@kurtzpel_KOG) March 16, 2019
engrish voice acting you say
it’s not Engrish tho.