Legends Of Aria Is Free To Play From November 23rd To 25th Before The Early Access Head Start

As a holiday treat, Citadel Studios is allowing all players to play their sandbox MMORPG Legends of Aria over the weekend. From November 23rd to November 25th, anyone can register and play the open beta version for free. This will allow those already interested in the game to try it before its Early Access Head Start begins on November 27th. All regions, systems and content will be accessible to everyone during this “open beta” weekend.
Open Beta Weekend
Begin: November 23rd at 5pm EST
End: November 25th at midnight EST
For more information, visit the official Legends of Aria site.
“Key Features:
- A Living, Breathing MMORPG: Explore a true open world without limitation. Build, explore and adventure with thousands of players in a living breathing world defined by you.
- Skill-Based World: Legends of Aria returns to a true skill based system. Build your character your way, be you a crafter, adventurer, merchant or humble fisherman. Hone your skills through use and play your way with a choice of over 32 unique skills.
- Return to a True Sandbox: Legends of Aria is inspired by the original sandbox MMORPGs. Experience a world that does not hold your hand. A world that is driven by you and shaped by our community. A world of dangers, where friendships, enemies made and your actions written into legend.
- Community Servers and Modding: The first MMORPG to fully support player run servers. Legends of Aria is designed to be modded from top to bottom including custom gameplay rules, custom content and even entirely custom created worlds.”