Mail.Ru Set To Publish Lost Ark In Russia – Sign Ups & Founders Packs Already Available

Mail.Ru, the Russian Internet giant known for e-mail portals, social networks (ВКонтакте or VK), and online game publishing has been announced as the designated publisher for the new action MMO Lost Ark.
While game developer Smilegate has signed a contract with Mail.Ru, no solid dates have been announced yet as far as an actual release schedule is concerned. However, we know that closed beta testing is scheduled for 2019. Sign ups for betas and Founders Packs (Early Access Kits) are already up on the official Russian Lost Ark site.
Mail.Ru publishes several other MMOs for Russia, CIS counties, and some European regions such as ArcheAge, Perfect World, Allods Online, Armored Warfare, and Dragon Nest.