Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV is fantasy MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ set in the main area of Eorzea, a continent on the planet of Hydaelun. Players adventure as one of the six playable races. Starting the game, players wake with the ability to see the past. The PC version was originally released in September of 2010 and re-released in 2013 after a complete overhaul.

Final-Fantasy-XIV-Main Play Final Fantasy XIV
Rating: 12345 (98 ratings, average: 4.19 / 5)
Series: Final Fantasy
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix
Directors: Nobuaki Komoto, Naoki Yoshida
Model: Buy-to-play, Subscription
Platform: PC, PS4
Engine: Crystal Tools
PvP: Duels, Arenas, Battlegrounds
PvE: Monster Hunting Quests, Dungeons, Raids, World Bosses

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