Dragon Nest

Dragon Nest (드래곤네스트) is a fantasy MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ set in the beautiful world of Alteia, created by the goddess Altea. The game’s story incorporates the history of Alteia and the dragon slayer heroes. Dragon Nest incorporates a non-target action combat and highly customizable skill-sets to provide fast-faced battles. Player vs player combat is skill based.

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Eyedentity Games
North American Publisher: Nexon -> Eyedentity Games
European Publisher: eFusion -> Shanda -> Cherry Credits
Korean Publisher: Nexon -> Actoz Soft -> Pupugame
Model: Free-to-play
Platform: PC
Engine: Eternity Engine
PvP: Arenas
PvE: Monster Hunting Quests, Dungeons

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