Revelation Online Will Release On Steam Soon has announced that Revelation Online will soon be joining their other games, Skyforge and Armored Warfare on Steam. Like’s other games on Steam, Revelation Online will be accessible via the Steam version of their GameCenter. The key difference from the regular launcher is that Steam will automatically log players via Steam accounts.
To celebrate the upcoming Steam release and welcome all of the new players it will bring, Revelation Online is preparing special competitions and prizes. More details will be shared soon.
“The availability of Revelation Online on Steam is exciting for a number of reasons. Perhaps the most obvious is that it’ll share the same space as hundreds of great games and allow access to Steam’s vast community and features, such as the Steam forums, Broadcasting and Trading Cards.
True, similar features have long been part of the GameCenter or available in-game already, but Steam’s popularity as the world’s largest PC games distribution platform makes it a fertile hunting ground for recruiting new players to Revelation Online’s cause.”
Source: Revelation Online Site
still a better game than bdo with more players. watch ro reviews be higher