Star Citizen Launches Free To Play Trial Event With All Ships Flyable From November 23rd To December 1st

Star Citizen is a crowd-funded MMO that puts together a persistent universe, advanced space flight simulation and FPS (First Person Shooting). In celebration of the release of the game’s first explorable planet named Hurston, Star Citizen is launching a Free Fly event that will allow anyone to join the game’s persistent universe for free. To begin exploring the sci-fi MMO, you need a ship! At the start of every day during this event, players will have the chance to test every operable ship and vehicle for 24-hour tests.
“There may also be some surprises in store for those of you who make the trek out to Hurston and see what Lorville’s all about, as well as some fun interactive activities here on the website, so stay tuned.”
For more information and the 2948 Free Fly Schedule, visit the official Star Citizen site.