Star Trek Online Awakening Launches On September 10th

Arc Games has announced that the next major content update to hit Star Trek Online will arrive on September 10th and it is called Awakening. The update will star actor Anthony Rapp who played the role of Lt. Commander Paul Stamets on Star Trek: Discovery.
Star Trek Online’s multi-part expansion began with Age of Discovery and ended with Rise of Discovery is now finished. Now a new faction, six new game episodes, and a revamped tutorial experience are being added to the game.
“Awakening will also shine a new light on Patrols, with a system that makes them easier to find and easier to play – and offers new rewards. We’re celebrating this by launching five brand new Patrols with Awakening, that see you jetting around the galaxy with Stamets and STO favorites like Captain Kuumaarke, stopping Ju’la’s plans. In addition, there will be a Mycelial Event coming which allows you to earn a new T6 Elachi ship by completing the new episode, patrols and TFO. Additional details will be released in the days leading up to Awakening’s launch on September 10th.”
For more details on the update, visit the official Star Trek Online site.