Star Trek Online: Mirror Of Discovery Will Launch On January 23rd

The next part of the Age of Discovery in Star Trek Online is coming soon on January 23rd and it’s called the ‘Mirror of Discovery’ update. Star Trek Online: Mirror of Discovery will be added on PC first and later on the console versions. This update will feature a new important character, Captain Killy, who is voiced by Mary Wiseman from the Star Trek: Discovery television series. Two new featured episodes titled ‘Para Pacem’ and The Illusion of Communication’ will be added with this update.
Captain Killy – the evil, Mirror Universe counterpart of Sylvia Tilly – is invading Star Trek Online as played by Mary Wiseman. Face off against her in two brand new episodes, complete Personal Endeavors for new ways to advance, get Mirror Universe items and ships from the Emperor’s Lock Box, and join in our Anniversary events to get your hands on new prizes, including a T6 Vulcan Scout Ship!