TERA EU Server Merges Begin In May To Help Players Group Up


Gameforge will begin merging several TERA EU servers with the same language in May. This is to help players “find other players for group content quickly and easily at all times”. The new servers will be integrated into the older servers.

In the future, this will mean you will have lots of new players to form guilds with, trade with, face challenges together, or compete against!

As part of the server merge, servers of the same language will be combined. We will integrate the newer servers into the older servers of the same language.

The servers that will be merged:

  • 1 PvE server (EN): Sikander will be added to MYSTEL
  • 1 PvE server (DE): Saleron will be added to YURIAN
  • 1 PvE server (FR): Amarun will be added to SEREN
  • 1 international PvP server (EN): KILLIAN will remain

More information will be shared regarding the details of the server merges in an upcoming FAQ which will be posted on TERA EU’s site.

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