TERA’s Counterpunch Update Brings Male Brawler & Free Character Slots

TERA brought in the new human male Brawler and they’re reeling in new and returning players with gift-giving events. The male Brawler looks tough as nails, but shares most of its animations with the female brawler. TERA has a knack for favoring female characters over male, so it’s refreshing to see the male version of this powerfist wielding class come to the Western version.
The update also brings a few events and items to celebrate the arrival of the male brawler. One free character slot has been granted to every player who logs in this week (March 13-20). A level up box “Bantamweight Brawler’s Box” will be granted to every male Brawler who reaches level 15, containing Elite Status time, fashion coupons for weapons and weapon skills and consumables.
What will be in this Counterpunch Update?
The male brawler is the main event. A new contender in the realm of Arborea.
New hair styles will be added (not available in character creation).
Ruinous Manor returns with normal and hard modes.
- Location — Cliffs of Insanity
- Difficulty — [4 STARS]
- Difficulty (Hard) — [5 STARS]
- Required Level — 65
- Recommended Players — 5 Players
- Minimum Item Level — 446
- Daily Entry Limit — 1 (2 for elite players)
- Bosses — Resurrected Atrocitas, Resurrected Malgarios, Lachelith
- Loot — Frostmetal equipment, Hypnotic Devices, Archdevan Formula, Artisan’s Tools
- Loot (Hard) — Stormcry equipment, Liquid Metal, Hypnotic Devices, Archdevan Formula, Carved Ornament, Otherwordly Shard, Artisan’s Tools, Copper Clasp, Pansophic Ash, Archdevan Surfactant
Leaderboards for Fraywind Canyon, Corsairs’ Stronghold and Champions’ Skyring have been added.
Seasons last for 28 days and battleground ratings will determine your ranking.
Source: http://tera.enmasse.com/news/posts/tera-s-counterpunch-update-is-live
Too little, too late. The ages they spent pandering to the lowest common denominator has turned me off. Which is a shame – I really adored TERA at launch. But dripfed content and endless Elin crap soiled it.
I had the most fun tanking experiences in TERA when it launched. Great game back then.