The Best Martial Arts MMORPGs & MMO Games (Wuxia, Xianxia, Wushu, & More)


Martial Arts MMOs are largely influenced by codified systems and traditions of well-known combat practices.

  • Wushu is Chinese martial arts that consists of several hundred fighting styles that developed over many centuries in Ancient China.
  • Wuxia is a genre of Chinese fiction concerning the adventures of martial art heroes and well known martial art figures in ancient China.
  • Xianxia is a Chinese martial arts novel genre from the Wuxia genre that is influenced by Taoism and Buddhism.

We are listing these games based on their titles in ascending order.

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The Mythical Realm 2 (Xian Xia 2/仙侠世界2) Game Review


The Mythical Realm 2 (or Xian Xia 2 as it is called in China) is a Chinese MMORPG with a Wuxia theme, which means it’s all about Chinese martial arts, eternal gods, magical swords, and flying heroes when it comes to story and gameplay themes. Other similarly themed games are Moonlight Blade and Revelation Online. One of the main features of the game is its limit-less flight, which works and feels much like the flight in those other two similar games, but with no wings required.

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