Darkfall: New Dawn

Darkfall: New Dawn is a heavily PvP-based open-world sandbox MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ and one of the many revivals of Darkfall Online. There are no classes in Darkfall: New Dawn, instead players must choose a race and alignment, then build their character however they desire. The game boasts true action combat with projectile physics and physics based movements.

Darkfall-New-Dawn-Main Play Darkfall: New Dawn
Rating: 12345 (50 ratings, average: 3.04 / 5)
Series: Darkfall Online
Developer: Ub3rgames
Model: Subscription
Platform: PC
PvP: Full loot open-world PvP, Large-scale Race Wars, Naval Battles
PvE: Monster Hunting Quests, Open-world Dungeons, World Bosses

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